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New Version of Visitor Stats almost ready.

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Quote by TomW: Deleting stats by month would be easy -- I will put that in. Blocking bots is already included by the ability to block ranges. I have included the most common bot ip ranges that you can import. TomW
Unfortunately it also is not a quick operation on large sites. In my testing it took up to 4 minutes. That is way beyond the time out for php pages. I will include the sql to do this you can paste in yourself. TomW


Hello, Me back with some suggestions again Smile I’m excited for the plugin and can’t wait. How about each day, a list of informative stats on the main stats page, that may or may not be able to be put on your website, that are updated during the day. For example: The most viewed article/page during the day was ________, which was viewed ____ times. The most active user today was _____, who viewed ____ different pages. Etc. Even have a “top ten” listing of most active users that day. It’d just be cool for me to see who was active, and be able to just click their usernames, and see where they’d been in an instant. This would be very handy for me especially, as I have over 5000 registered users, 3000 of whom visit each day. I’d like to be able to keep a track on the “newbies” better, to see if they sign up and read one article, or if they read everything or whatever. Also, would it be possible to have some of this information in the user profiles? Or, at least a button in there that lets you see the stats? For example, for user “Blaine”, I click on his profile and it’s the normal bla bla bla. But then I click another button “visitor stats” or whatever, and it takes you to a comprehensive list of what he’s basically done on the site for that day, or even better for the month. I just think that’d be a really cool option. Also, if based on the stats compile some comprehensive stats, for example take in the browsers that people use, the operating system, resolution etc, and output it in one handy graph/chart. It’d be cool to see that 56% of my users used 800x600 screen resolution, so I’d have to make sure the site looked good in that view too etc etc. Just some ideas to keep you busier than normal Smile

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Quote by Cheese: Hello, Me back with some suggestions again Smile I’m excited for the plugin and can’t wait. How about each day, a list of informative stats on the main stats page, that may or may not be able to be put on your website, that are updated during the day. For example: The most viewed article/page during the day was ________, which was viewed ____ times. The most active user today was _____, who viewed ____ different pages. Etc. Even have a “top ten” listing of most active users that day. It’d just be cool for me to see who was active, and be able to just click their usernames, and see where they’d been in an instant. This would be very handy for me especially, as I have over 5000 registered users, 3000 of whom visit each day. I’d like to be able to keep a track on the “newbies” better, to see if they sign up and read one article, or if they read everything or whatever. Also, would it be possible to have some of this information in the user profiles? Or, at least a button in there that lets you see the stats? For example, for user “Blaine”, I click on his profile and it’s the normal bla bla bla. But then I click another button “visitor stats” or whatever, and it takes you to a comprehensive list of what he’s basically done on the site for that day, or even better for the month. I just think that’d be a really cool option. Also, if based on the stats compile some comprehensive stats, for example take in the browsers that people use, the operating system, resolution etc, and output it in one handy graph/chart. It’d be cool to see that 56% of my users used 800x600 screen resolution, so I’d have to make sure the site looked good in that view too etc etc. Just some ideas to keep you busier than normal Smile
I already capture the browser and operating system, look on the main index page for that info. The other info you were wanting is easy to do but I would implement it as a seperate page (static with php) because it would really slow down the webpage load times to do it as a block. Here is the sql needed to get these totals. Why don\'t you or some industrious person make the page and donate it back to the community. \'most popular pages by month select count(*) as cnt, page from gl_userstats where monthn=MONTH(CURDATE()) and year=YEAR(CURDATE()) group by page order by cnt desc limit 10 \'most popular pages by day select count(*) as cnt, page from gl_userstats where monthn=MONTH(CURDATE()) and year=YEAR(CURDATE()) AND day=DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) group by page order by cnt desc limit 10 \'most active user by month select count(*) as cnt, uid from gl_userstats where monthn=MONTH(CURDATE()) and year=YEAR(CURDATE()) group by uid order by cnt desc limit 10 \'most active user by day select count(*) as cnt, uid from gl_userstats where monthn=MONTH(CURDATE()) and year=YEAR(CURDATE()) AND day=DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) group by uid order by cnt desc limit 10 All these queries return an array with the top ten sorted in descending order. \'to see what a particular user did on a day (change uid to match) select count(*) as cnt, page from gl_userstats where monthn=MONTH(CURDATE()) and year=YEAR(CURDATE()) AND day=DAYOFMONTH(curdate()) and uid = 1 group by page, uid order by cnt desc limit 10 Now you have the hard part. TomW

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any plans to include the \"Show Online Status\" features in the visitor stats block as well? Meaning, not show people that choose not to be shown? -adam
-Adam O'Donnell

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Just an update on the visitor stats progress. It is almost ready. Some testing is being done by others and I am waiting their results. I did figure out an easy way to do caching and implemented it. On stats pages for which the current days totals are not important, stats caches the results and gives this cached version the next access. This greatly speeds up browsing and reduces the load on the webserver. The pages are only cached when you browse, so only pages you have looked at are in the cache. I looked into caching each page, but the time required to generate all those pages and the load it would put on your server for that time were too great, so I abandoned that idea. (There would be a minimum of 300 pages per month). TomW

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I think the new version of visitor stats is ready. I have incorporated as many of the suggestions as was possible. I need a few experienced users to test the install, upgrade, new features and docs, before I release it out into the wild. If you are interested drop me an email and I will send you a copy. TomW


Quote by tomw: I think the new version of visitor stats is ready. I have incorporated as many of the suggestions as was possible. I need a few experienced users to test the install, upgrade, new features and docs, before I release it out into the wild. If you are interested drop me an email and I will send you a copy. TomW
Could you please e-mail me at g69@kingston.net with this plugin? I e-mailed you but not suer if you got it. Thanks

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