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New User Registration Options

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Registered: 09/22/02
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Hi all, When a new user registers, the default is that they get an email with a random password. Is there anyway to configure that so they can chose their own password right off the bat and be registered right then? Or, for another site... Also, it would be nice to have an option to moderate membership from an admin panel. If someone registers that I don't want...let me say no there before they get access to the site. Are these options already built in? If not, then consider this a Feature Request for GL 2.x! If they are...then where do I find them. Thanks! Scott

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The first one is not possible - unless you hack the registration yourself. But the second one is already implemented. Just set $_CONF['usersubmission'] = 1; in config.php and new users will not get their password until approved by an admin (similar to the story submission queue). bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/22/02
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Thanks Dirk, Then, let's consider that first one an official Feature Request for GL2.0! Smile Scott


To get this functionality this is what I did. I removed all code that offers a visitor to register from the language file. I then set up a form on a static page and a link to this page in a left "Visitor Menu" block. The visitor has to fill in the form and send it. When the admin receives it he just creates the account and email the username and password. This way you can even offer your visitor to choose his password when is sends the form. Alain

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I set the $_CONF['usersubmission'] = 1; Now, as admin, where do I approve the user? I mean I can't find the controls that say "There is 1 user waitng for approval" - So I have this user just dangling AND geeklog still stays to the user "You will be emailed your new password" But it does not do it...


Look inside your control panel under the "Submissions" link in the Admins Only block. I think you'll see it there.


Ah - Thank you - - - BUT (There is always a butt) - The admin DID NOT get an email saying a new user signed up... Also - How do I know who the hell they are - This is for a group which has a limited number of subscribed members - I suppose they could SEND the users their sign on information... but they do want to collect info and have more sign up... Is there an extended sign up form that also collects user data?


If an Admin wants to be notified when someone submits a request to join as a user, you have to modify this line: $_CONF['notification'] = array ('story', 'link', 'event', 'user'); As written here, the line says the Admin will be notified via email if a story, link, event, or user sign up is submitted. You can list one or more (in any combination) of those four. If there is a very limited subscriber base, you can always preload their info in the control panel and just send the people their initial passwords that way.

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This sounds like it would work for me. I tried it, but didn't find all the right stuff in the language file (and themes?) Don't you also have to change the theme to make this work? Would you please post your edited language file (I'd like English, assuming you did that one), and perhaps the static page or external page you used for the enhanced / expanded registration? I assume that you added some tables to the GL database and joined them based on user id? Finally, I would think this sort of "beefed up" registration is a requirement for more and more enterprise GL sites, and eventually it would be great to see it supported as a core feature rather than having to add it by hand. I need this, and my ability to make all the edits and do it right is probably marginal - though I'm willing to try it. My qualifications for writing good PHP and SQL code for inclusion in the main release are probably not where they ought to be, or I'd volunteer. Thanks -Tom

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I\'ve commented out all the lines in the language file regarding new user registration and will replace this functionality with my own custom signup form. The problem is, every couple of days someone is finding a loophole through and is able to submit a new registration request. Is there a way to completely remove all ability for a new user to register? I\'m developing a site that will have basic, current, unrestricted access for the general public, and extensive premium content for registered userswho will be charged an annual membership fee. Also, is there any way to integrate taking a customer\'s payment at registration and sending them their password, but having the user inactivated one year from the date of signup? The Kintera system seems to do these things, but they are set up as more of a service, and primarily for non-profit organizations. We are a magazine publisher and Geeklog seems to be a much better fit.
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Quote by marcg: I've commented out all the lines in the language file regarding new user registration and will replace this functionality with my own custom signup form. The problem is, every couple of days someone is finding a loophole through and is able to submit a new registration request. Is there a way to completely remove all ability for a new user to register?
We used to do this, became too much hassle. In public_html/layout/YOUR_THEME/users/registrationform.thtml I removed everything between
Text Formatted Code
<form action="{site_url}/users.php" method="post"> </form>
and added a link to a static page that told users how to register. HTH
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Thanks, HTH. Just what I needed!
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Glad I could help.
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