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Lost Submissions!


Hi Geekloggers... I have a gl site, which is causing me pain. Sometimes, I am writing a submission, and it takes me some time, as I'm doing some research while I do it. Evidently, it takes longer than the timeout for logins. What happens next is what really annoys me -- I lose my submission entirely. If I log in, it's gone. If I hit "back" on my (IE 5.5) browser, it's gone. It's just gone. This is frustrating, because the only times it happens are when I've spent a long period of time composing a submission. Is it possible for the submission to be stored _somewhere_? Even having it shown back to me on screen, so I can cut and paste the text would be good. Ideally, I would be able to log in, and then see my submission there, ready to be submitted... Anything but the current behaviour, please! Oh, apart from that, I quite enjoy GL... Smile

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Hmm, well then the obvious things to do would be to increase the login timeout (see the "Remember me" setting on your Account Information page) and/or use a browser where "back" actually works (it does for me, using Mozilla). bye, Dirk


Why not compose long submissions somewhere else first and then copy it to GL????


Are you retarded??? Just write it in notepad first then paste it.

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Last I heard it takes one retard to accuse another of being a retard... Theirs nothing wrong with trying to compose your work entirely within Geeklog. It sure is nice to know you can increase the time out but it did indeed happen to me a few times... Mozilla isn't my favorite browser and it would be nice to back up within MS and see my work doesn't disappear... Definately a nice option... Good luck Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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On second thought, it may also be necessary to increase the cookie timeouts in config.php But I never really had that problem, even if I left half-finished articles hanging around in the browser for hours ... bye, Dirk

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And on third thought - disregard my second thoughts ;-) The "Remember me" setting is really all that matters here. It determines how long your password and username cookies are valid and thus how long you are considered being logged in. The default is 1 hour. So if it takes you longer than an hour to compose your post (with no other interaction with the site), your cookies will have expired when you post the story eventually. That's when a working back button comes in handy ... bye, Dirk


Two reasons -- Firstly, I don't think of this until after the fact. Secondly, I'd rather not. I think I should be able to just do it in GL. It's far more convenient to do so, and means that I don't have to put that warning in there for people who aren't me...


I agree. He must be retarded if he didn't think of just composing it in notepad or some other text editor/word processor as a solution to this problem.

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Whats with the name calling? The only retards are those who accuse others of being a retard and those who agree with the accusers... This CMS is public and it is below scum level etiquette to belittle anyone over any question. Theirs several different reasons why notepad, wordpad, MS word cannot be used at all cost... 1. Accessing your CMS away from home through Kiosk net points such as at any of the following: a. Airport b. Hotel c. Public Library d. Cyber Cafe e. etc 2. Accessing your site through a foreign OS such as a Macintosh or Linux box at a house where your friend or family member isn't around... 3. Guaranteed theirs more... Thats the beauty of Geeklog, accessible from anywhere and all that is required is a browser, internet access and your Geeklog credentials... Now I need notepad, etc to run it on the road away from my OS? Some play with Geeklog and some work with Geeklog and to me its more than just an application... its all about community... I creep these post and hate the negative people who give unneeded negative feedback... This question is very legitimate from a writers P.O.V and I agree to ask for a work around. Though it happens to me rarely I have an idea... Couldn't a word counter keep the account active? It doesn't have to show the words counted, though why not? But a way to track if the persons typing their logged in? Is it not possible that a popup or an alarm could sound to warn the user they're about to be logged out in 5 minutes? Just a few positive ideas... eat it Smile ---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -


The reason he is losing his work is because the session is timing out. This is exactly how they work. If he follows Dirk's suggestion and extends the default from one hour to a day or more it won't time out while he or others are in the middle of composing. I set my default value for everyone to one year. If anyone wants it shorter, he can go in and change it. At least it won't time out on them.


By categorizing criticism as "Hate Mail" the geek log site administrators are inviting people to go into "attack dog from hell" mode on anybody whose post ends up in this category. Hate mail is a category that sucks.


Nah, they would get the same treatment if it was under a different category. Although a few here do not know how to behave except to attack, a heated discussion on sore and contentious points is actually quite healthy.


I thought of that (it's damned obvious, so don't be so proud of yourself). However, it just isn't practical sometimes. For eg when you write an article, and it turns out longer than you expect... or if you are somewhere else, and notepad isn't available... or if it's actually a user who is entering the article, not you... and so on. If you couldn't think of these obvious reasons, you are probably not that bright yourself...

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