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auto-size theme?


I am new to Geeklog and so far think its fantastic. One thing i am struggling with is that when my geeklog site is viewed on computers running at 800x600 resolution, about 1/3 of the page is off the screen. I know this has something to do with the table percentages vs. fixed pixel size, etc. but not sure exactly how to solve this issue as it 'appears' that all the tables in the 'header.thtml' file for the 'gameserver' theme are at 100%. Is this what it should be??? If so, why is it not sizing properly? I would like it if the geeklog site would size itself to fit the screen size of the viewer. Would it be possible for someone to send me an example of the code I need to change, or to post some suggestions???? thanks for all the help!!!! -Luke Lsalsich@cox.net

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Hmm, the gameserver theme scales quite nicely for me - up until the point where the window gets smaller than the combined widths of the logo and the search field. Which version of Geeklog are we talking about? The above is for 1.3.6. I know that Simon made some changes to the theme for 1.3.6, but I don't know if your problem could have anything to do with it. Oh, and keep in mind that long unbreakable lines in stories (e.g. paths) can break the layout of a site, too ... bye, Dirk

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Registered: 10/27/02
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ok. Thats exactly the info i needed - that changes to the theme shouldnt be necessary to scale to size. I am using 1.3.6. I will check to see if it might be one of the posts i put up that is affecting page layout as you suggested. Thanks! I'll let you know how i make out -Luke

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Registered: 10/27/02
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Dirk... yeah, I had approved a story on the home page which contained a link that was longer than the table size. This was throwing off the pages ability to scale to screen size. When i removed the link, the page scaled nicely!!!!! Man, thanks for the help. That was driving me crazy!!!

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Registered: 11/12/02
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Location:Valparaiso, Indiana
It seems like almost every Geeklog site I view at 800x600 extends off the right edge of the screen! Not by much, just enough to make it annoying. In fact, this page, as I type, is just barely sticking over the right edge - so that I can't quite see the right edge of the "search" button. I'm using the default (X-Silver?) theme. But I've seen this so often, it seems like it can't possibly be the too-wide image-or-link issue. And I'm just using regular old IE. Any ideas?


X-Silver uses a fixed width table.      4  Quote


The rest of the post. http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=2002092512595946 HTH Chuck

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