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Can't insert images in Geeklog Version 1.5.1.

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Registered: 01/25/09
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Hi everyone. My hosting provider has given me Geeklog 1.5.1 and I love it BUT I just can't get the images to show. I've read other posts on here about changing the skip root bit to true - I've done that. I've also put img in the html bits and still no joy. Unlike another poster, I'm not getting the error that you must insert jpg 1 or 2 or whatever, I'm getting the pictures generating a different number. I've tried inserting this number everywhere, in the intro, in the copy, as html and plain text and although the picture shows in the story when I click save it still tells me error I must use the longer-numbered picture either in the intro or in the body. I've tried downloading the same package again from my provider but I still can't get pictures to show and all the downloads appear to be different, i.e. they dont' have the features the first one has? I've tried asking them but they say they don't know about the script and to try and contact the authors. Can anyone help? I just love the package and I don't want to have to give up as I've now spent almost three entire days on this. Jan

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Just checking the steps:

- select an image for the first slot
- use [image1] anywhere in the story text
- save story

Does that work? If not, what happens?

I think there's still a problem if you try previewing first - that's why there's a note in the story editor there, suggesting to save the story in draft mode first.

bye, Dirk


don't forget to setup the Max-w and Max-H in the Images in Articles:

-Images in article:

and don't upload the Images that biger than the max-w and max-h in the Images in Articles.

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Geeklog would have thrown an error if the image was too big. So I don't think that's the problem here.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 6
Thanks everyone but it's still not working. I've tried putting (image1) in both the intro and the main body of the story, in the middle of the sentences, at the beginning of them and at the end and when I go to save it tells me:

The following errors occurred while trying to save your story. Please correct these errors before saving
image #1, 20090118204325412_1.jpg, was not used. You must include this image in the intro or body before you can save your changes

So I've tried putting in (image#1, 20090118204325412_1.jpg) in the intro, at the beginning of the intro at the end of the intro, in the main body text, at the beginning of the main body text and at the end of the main body text and I still get the same message when I go to save. I've also tried (imageAND THE NUMBER_right or left and get the same message. I just know it's something simple but I haven't got a clue what.

I'm now going to try changing the Max H etc and see if that helps. I'll keep you all posted and any suggestions or help is really appreciated. I love this package and I'm determined to use it and build on it.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Just to clarify: The syntax is [image1], [image2], etc. - you don't put 20090118204325412_1.jpg in there. You only need to make sure that if you use [image1] (square brackets, btw), that you have an image in slot #1. Geeklog should then do the rest.

Not sure why it's not recognizing it, though. Standard question: Which theme are you using? Did you try using the included Professional theme?

bye, Dirk

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Posts: 6
Hi Dirk. I'm using the professional theme and I've got an advanced editor in there as well which is great. I only tried putting in the long image number when the ordinary image1 bit didn't work. But you've given me a thought about square brackets. I'll try that. I really appreciate this help. I'll use the package without pics if I have to as I like it so much but I'd like to get it all working. Jan

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Posts: 6
Just an update - inserting [image1] with square brackets into the copy now let's me save the story but it comes out not as a picture but as [image1] in text exactly where I've put it in the story.

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Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 6
I'VE DONE IT!!!!! Unfortunately, I'm not sure how I've done it but I have. I've been changing paths, etc. I'm over the moon. Thank you all for your suggestions and help. It's horrible trying to do something on your own, getting cross-eyed in the process and reaching the stage where you can hardly see straight and are trying to keep track of what works and what doesn't, what you have done and what you haven't. Whoever created Geeklog - despite any problems I've been having, which are probably due to idiocy on my part - deserves a real pat on the back. It's a wonderful thing and something I would pay for. I'm going to try and install a forum next! Again, thank you all so much.

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