Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, June 01 2024 @ 02:35 am EDT

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Stories not appearing on homepage?


Hello, (I also posted this in installation but felt it better here, sorry for double)

I have two websites, and I am closer to a newbie anything with PHP, complicated Geeklog components, etc. I installed using Fantastico and cPanel from my host. I am thrilled with my geeklog that is up and running at http://www.syostocks.com/

My second website is http://www.syosports.com/ After an entire day yesterday spent configuring my domain name addon to work, http://www.syosports.com/ is now up and running as well.

I deleted the "Home" topic under false pretenses, and eventually want to get that back. (I'm referring to the "Home" that remains close to the top of the left column and takes you home when you go to other parts of the site). I'm not sure how to get it back.

The reason I deleted it was because my test stories are not showing up on my homepage, so I deleted all the other possible topics thinking that by only having one topic, and posting in it, it would certainly place the new stories in that lone topic on the homepage for all to see.

I have tried again and again to establish new topics changing settings, making sure the settings on my syosports site matched the settings on my syostocks site (which works perfectly). I looked at my personal user settings, I am the admin, with full access...

Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know what to do? I appreciate your help truly.

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Actually there is no Home topic. It is just an entry in the topics block that is controlled by a config setting:

// Hide 'Home' link from Topics block (if set to 1)
$_CONF['hide_home_link'] = 0;

You have set that to 1 in your config.php probably.

Er, no, I just surfed to your site. There's a home link in the syostocks.com block. We need more details.


Thank you so much for your help!

Yes, I later found out that the Home could just be enabled again. And did so. I think you probably surfed after I figured that one out myself.

Still, though, posts are not posting to the homepage. I looked for help on IRC.

My first website was syostocks.com, which is working fine. I based all of the syosports.com settings on it, especially after realizing the difference in how syosports posts dont post to the homepage. Whether I approve stories from others, or post them myself, they only show up if users click the specific topic they're in. I only have one topic established - syosports - and it is default, and should appear on home page as far as i know. one variable i am intrigued by is "Feature" or not feature, but if i change it it doesnt post on the home page anyway.

Someone on irc told me to look in the group panel, but I am not sure what I could do there. Finally he told me to just reinstall the database, because its a newborn, 2 days old only, but Id still rather just fix the problem than reinstall. I reinstalled with fantastico using cPanel from my host.

Also, the help I got on IRC told me "See if they can give you some pointers on how to fix this on a NIX system"

And also, I have a question about RSS. Im curious if theres anyway to publish updates on my stock site like DOW, S & P 500, etc, in close to real time, and for my sports site, to publish scores, schedule, etc... can RSS do that? and can i use it with geeklog?

finally, i realized another way of getting to the list of three stories within syosports topic is using http://syosports.com/index.php?topic=General . i guess i set syosports as my "general" topic, thinking that would help, but problems still persist.


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
So the posts do appear under your "General" topic but not on the site's homepage? In that case, check the settings for those stories. There's a dropdown in the story editor: "Show on frontpage" / "Show only in topic". It does exactly what it says ...

There's a default setting for that dropdown in config.php - maybe you set that to "show only in topic", so that any new stories will not show up on the frontpage, unless you change that dropdown:
Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['frontpage']             = 1;       // default for new stories

As for the RSS feeds: If you can find a feed that delivers the stock or sports news you want, you can add them as a portal block: Content syndication

bye, Dirk



amazingly, even when stories are submitted as "show on front page", they do not, and only in topic

then, i go back to the story from an edit standpoint, and by some miraculous fashion, it actually changes in the dropdown to "show in topic only" all by itself. im going to check config.php - this is an odd one.




$_CONF['frontpage'] = 1; // default for new stories

i found this in the config.txt, so, does that alone mean the setting is right? or are there other things to check


here is the whole thing:

// Story Settings
$_CONF['maximagesperarticle'] = 5;
$_CONF['limitnews'] = 10;
$_CONF['minnews'] = 1; // minimum number of stories per page
$_CONF['contributedbyline'] = 1; // If 1, show contributed by line
$_CONF['hideviewscount'] = 0; // If 1, hide Viewed X times line
$_CONF['hideemailicon'] = 0; // If 1, hide "email story" option
$_CONF['hideprintericon'] = 0; // If 1, hide "printer friendly" option
$_CONF['allow_page_breaks'] = 1; // allow [page_break] in stories
$_CONF['page_break_comments'] = 'last'; // When an article has a page break,
// show comments on the 'first',
//'last' or 'all' pages?
$_CONF['article_image_align'] = 'right'; // Topic icon on left or right.
$_CONF['show_topic_icon'] = 1; // default for new stories
$_CONF['draft_flag'] = 0; // default for new stories
$_CONF['frontpage'] = 1; // default for new stories
$_CONF['hide_no_news_msg'] = 0; // If 1, hide No News To Display msg
$_CONF['hide_main_page_navigation'] = 0; // hide "google paging" on index.php


wishful thinking, i changed the config.php setting to 0, and tried again, it's still doing the same thing

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
We just resolved this on IRC: The (only) topic was set to be the archive topic. But in archive topics, stories are automatically set to not appear on the homepage ...

We really need to document this better, I guess. The wiki does mention it, though.

bye, Dirk

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