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I can't create a new Main Download Category


I have instaled geeklog-1.3.9sr2.tar.gz
(always following filemgmtinstall_doc.html)
and filemgmt_v1.2_1.3.6.tgz succesfully!

I log like admin

and I try to create a new Main Download Category

Categories: Add, Modify, and Delete Categories
Add a MAIN Category
Title: my category
Optional Image: (Top Level Categories only)

and I don't get any error but I don't wirte any Category in my geeklog database!!!

my geeklog directorys have users: chown apache:root geeklog -R
and I have written others things in my database like a new topic

I have in Z:varwwwhtmlgeeklogpublic_htmladminpluginsfilemgmt:
-rwxrw-rw- 1 apache root 67837 oct 17 11:31 index.php
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 20743 oct 1 2002 install.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 oct 17 11:38 listado.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 2763 sep 25 2002 upgrade_v1.0.php

I have in Z:varwwwhtmlgeeklogpublic_htmlfilemgmt:
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 4054 sep 25 2002 brokenfile.php
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 4966 sep 25 2002 downloadhistory.php
drwxr--r-- 2 apache root 4096 oct 16 09:17 images
drwxr--r-- 2 apache root 4096 oct 16 09:17 include
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 7972 sep 25 2002 index.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 oct 17 11:45 listado.txt
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 6163 sep 30 2002 ratefile.php
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 4869 sep 25 2002 singlefile.php
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 10165 sep 30 2002 submit.php
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 7900 sep 25 2002 viewcat.php
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache root 3403 sep 25 2002 visit.php

can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance

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Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 10/09/03
Posts: 161
hi is filemgmt.php conf. with the correct paths, and do the files exist ( public_html/filemgmt_data,filemgmt_data/files,
filemgmt_data/shots, ....)


For the moment I have in /var/www/html/geeklog/public_html/filemgmt_data :
total 12
drwxr-xr-- 2 apache root 4096 oct 16 11:06 category_snaps
drwxr-xr-- 3 apache root 4096 oct 16 11:05 files
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 oct 21 10:29 listado.txt
drwxr-xr-- 3 apache root 4096 oct 16 11:06 snaps

and my filemgmt.php is :
$mydownloads_popular = 20;
$mydownloads_newdownloads = 10;
$mydownloads_perpage = 10;
$mydownloads_trimdesc = 1;
$mydownloads_dlreport = 1;
$mydownloads_selectpriv = 0;
$mydownloads_publicpriv = 0;
$mydownloads_uploadselect = 0;
$mydownloads_uploadpublic = 0;
$mydownloads_useshots = 1;
$mydownloads_shotwidth = 50;
$filemgmt_Emailoption = 1;
$filemgmt_FileStore = "/var/www/html/geeklog/public_html/filemgmt_data/files/";
$filemgmt_SnapStore = "/var/www/html/geeklog/public_html/filemgmt_data/snaps/";
$filemgmt_SnapCat = "/var/www/html/geeklog/public_html/filemgmt_data/category_snaps/";
$filemgmt_FileStoreURL = "";
$filemgmt_FileSnapURL = "";
$filemgmt_SnapCatURL = "";

and my problem is that I try to create a new category in :

Add a MAIN Category ...........
Title: ................
Optional Image: (Top Level Categories only)
(Image height will be resized to 50)

And I can not write any new category in my geeklog database!!
but I have been creating new topics, new links, polls .... without problem.

john van vliet

it looks like a path problem
$filemgmt_FileStoreURL = "";
$filemgmt_FileSnapURL = "";
$filemgmt_SnapCatURL = "";

should read
$filemgmt_FileStoreURL = "";
$filemgmt_FileSnapURL = "";
$filemgmt_SnapCatURL = "";

check the config.php file for the url path
Text Formatted Code
// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path']            = '/var/www/html/geeklog/public_html/'; // should end in a slash

// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html


hello I'm workflower and I follow with the same problem.
I reinstalled geeklog other time and I have the same problem.

my /var/www/html/geeklog/plugins/filemgmt/filemgmt.php is: (-rwxrwxr-x 1 apache usuario 828 nov 11 12:42 filemgmt.php)

$mydownloads_popular = 20;
$mydownloads_newdownloads = 10;
$mydownloads_perpage = 10;
$mydownloads_trimdesc = 1;
$mydownloads_dlreport = 1;
$mydownloads_selectpriv = 0;
$mydownloads_publicpriv = 0;
$mydownloads_uploadselect = 0;
$mydownloads_uploadpublic = 0;
$mydownloads_useshots = 1;
$mydownloads_shotwidth = 50;
$filemgmt_Emailoption = 1;
$filemgmt_FileStore = "/var/www/html/filemgmt_data/files/";
$filemgmt_SnapStore = "/var/www/html/filemgmt_data/snaps/";
$filemgmt_SnapCat = "/var/www/html/filemgmt_data/category_snaps/";
$filemgmt_FileStoreURL = "";
$filemgmt_FileSnapURL = "";
$filemgmt_SnapCatURL = "";


and I have in /var/www/html: (this is my webserver document root directory)

total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache usuario 4096 nov 11 12:40 category_snaps
drwxr-xr-x 3 apache usuario 4096 nov 11 12:40 files
drwxr-xr-x 3 apache usuario 4096 nov 11 12:40 snaps

total 0

total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache usuario 4096 nov 11 12:40 tmp

total 0

total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache usuario 4096 nov 11 12:40 tmp

total 0

I wrote a new link without problem in this file:

I wrote in the Filemgmt Admin's Configuration Settings without problem:

But I couldn't write a new download category. I think the problem is in this file:

I don't think the problem is this paths:

$filemgmt_FileStore = "/var/www/html/filemgmt_data/files/";
$filemgmt_SnapStore = "/var/www/html/filemgmt_data/snaps/";
$filemgmt_SnapCat = "/var/www/html/filemgmt_data/category_snaps/";
$filemgmt_FileStoreURL = "";
$filemgmt_FileSnapURL = "";
$filemgmt_SnapCatURL = "";

thank you


I found a question in Home -> General Help -> Help with file management Install
( http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=3&showtopic=17933 Registered: 12/08/02 )
that is just the same problem I have. But it doesn't show the solution.

Like I can't create a main category and then if I try to create a subcategory "sub1" I get this error:
mar 14 dic 2004 00:59:18 CET - Registering Filemgmt plugin with Geeklog
mar 14 dic 2004 00:59:18 CET - Attempting to create filemgmt plugin entry
mar 14 dic 2004 00:59:18 CET - ...success
mar 14 dic 2004 00:59:18 CET - Succesfully completed FileMgmt Plugin installation!
mar 14 dic 2004 00:59:18 CET - Autoinstall completed
mar 14 dic 2004 23:25:59 CET - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' 'sub 1', '')' at line 1. SQL in question: INSERT INTO gl_filemgmt_category (pid, title, imgurl) VALUES (, 'sub 1', '')

Can somebody help me?


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Forum User
Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 1232
Well that post was over 2 years ago -- don't recall if there was any follow-up.

I can see from your SQL error that you are trying to create a subcategory with no parent category.

What happens when you try to create a parent category?

What version of geeklog and filemgmt plugin are you using?

I assume you have register_globals on and have a well tested GL installation.

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