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Problem Logging into Admin once install is done

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Here is a weird issue that Im having...

My install went very smooth. I can go to the main mages of the site... I can post and I can do all the normal things that are enabled from a default install...

However... when I go to the Admin console... I get to the Username and Password screen and Login with the default Username and Password.. I pass into the configuration screens no problem or error... but in about 2 secconds Im dropped back to the Username and Password screen again. I can repeat this process non stop...

Thoughts? I have turned on the HTML headers and even those come up for only 2 secconds and then go away...

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OK... Follow up to this. It looks like even tho the install was succesful... some info did not make it into the tables... I droped all the tables and re-created them... Now Im up and running fine!


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I have had the same problems - droped the tables and recreated them but still unable to log in to the admin area
Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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Do a search for "$_CONF['cookiedomain']" in config.php (without the quotes). Put in your domain for the value and hopefully this should help tp clear things up... This is usually the main culprit behind not being able to log into geeklog.

So look at the example comment inclosed and you should be good. In case this isn't the problem, write back!

Hope this helps, good luck Smile
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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Just in case you need a solid example, look at this...
Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.'; // e.g. '.example.com'

Heres another example...
Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.aeonserv.com'; // e.g. '.example.com'

Again, hope this helps!
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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modified the line you pointed out but still the same problem. Seams to log in for abaout a second then goes back to the admin login screen.

If it helps I have the warnings below which can be seen in the background of the geeklog screen.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/diary/config.php:544) in /home/diary/system/lib-sessions.php on line 180

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/diary/config.php:544) in /home/diary/system/lib-sessions.php on line 192

Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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You need to fix those warnings first. After that, the login will probably work.

As for the warnings: You appear to be having whitespace at the end of your config.php.

bye, Dirk

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and the saga continues............ Confused

Thanks Dirk, that tip removed the error messages from the background, but I am still unable to log into the admin area of the site.

I can enter admin, password into the login box and that shows up in the right hand box showing who's logged on but no name shows on the welcome banner as per geeklog site.

any Ideas??????

I even reinstalled using all the info I have recived from all the help I got and still unable to log in to Admin.

Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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Ok I have uninstalled geeklog 1.3.8-1 and reinstalled 1.3.8-1sr2 from scratch removed the white space from the end of the config.php and set my user settings throughout and still cannot log into the admin area.

Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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I have used info.php to get a printout of the PHP set up on the server I am using. Hopfully sombody will look at it and mabey work out why I and others cannot log into admin after GeekLog is installed

PHP Info for my site
Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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Yup I know, I am still here, and still have the same problem, not being able to loginto the site as admin. I can setup a new account and get email conformation and I can log into the main site as the new member but that is all I can do.

How do I log into admin, how do I fix this error.

in my last post I have included the PHP info link to my site for anyone who knows what is what.

I have installed many PHP scripts in the past such as Xoops, E-Xoops, PHP website, PHP nuke and a lot of other less known ones.

The reason why I keep going after this one, is it looks to be a lot better that most of the others and would suit my latest project, which is a site for the local scout group.

Please, please some one out there must know what is going wrong.

Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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Come on guys, if you dont know how to fix it then say so, then I can go elsewere and see what they have got, both in the way of product and if I may be so bold answers to posts, even if they be difficult ones.

Sorry to be bitter but I have not recived any replies to my posts since Dec 1st even though I have posted 5 times since then with problem details and information of what I have done to try to rectify the problem.

And from some of the back posts I have read that seems to be the way it goes.... look at the install instructions or you "helpfully" provide a link to the install instructions.

I am sorry I was not like you and was born with all the PHP knowlede that you were born with. If the question is to hard to answer or you cant be bothered to answer the question, then have the decency to say so and not keep people hanging on.

Discruntled from Michigan
Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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When I try to log in to your site, it still displays a couple of warnings:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/diary/public_html/lib-common.php:5193) in /home/diary/system/lib-sessions.php on line 310

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/diary/public_html/lib-common.php:5193) in /home/diary/public_html/users.php on line 856

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/diary/public_html/lib-common.php:5193) in /home/diary/public_html/users.php on line 859

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/diary/public_html/lib-common.php:5193) in /home/diary/public_html/users.php on line 886

Looks like you also have whitespace at the end of lib-common.php. You need to fix that.

The problem with whitespace is that it's sent out before the cookies, and therefore the cookies will not be accepted by the browser and you can't log in. Geeklog still creates a session for you (that's why an entry shows up in the Who's Online block), but you need a valid session and valid cookies to be accepted as being logged in.

Since you had that problem with the config.php before and neither the config.php nor the lib-common.php that ship with Geeklog have extra whitespace in them, I assume it's you editor that adds it. Try another one.

bye, Dirk

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First of all I would like to apologise for my outburst, I was frustrated and at my wits end.. Cry

The site now works great and your sugestions worked great....

thank you.. Mr. Green
Yafster (
If it dont work ------Kick it )

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