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Basic search broken after upgrade to MySQL 4.0.14

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Registered: 05/17/03
Posts: 6
My ISP upgraded their MySQL backend to 4.0.14 to address a security issue. Since that time, the \"basic search\" functionality on geeklog 1.3.8-sr1 appears broken in two ways: 1. Basic search seems to require a login despite me having set searchloginrequired=0 and loginrequired=0 in config.php 2. Basic search is always returning zero results. The advanced search appears to be working, however. Any ideas as to how I can debug this problem? -- PhoneBoy

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Registered: 05/17/03
Posts: 6
Can someone tell me how to debug what the \"basic search\" is doing (i.e. when you type in something at the top of the page with the little \"search\" button next to it)?

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Start at search.php and traverse.

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Unfortunately, it doesn\'t appear to help me much since I don\'t really know PHP. From what I can tell, it\'s creating a Search object, then saying \"doSearch\" and it\'s getting nothing back. Seeing as it can\'t even figure out I don\'t need to log in for searches, something fundamentally must be wrong. Can you suggest some way to enable a \"debugging\" mode so someone who understands this stuff can look at it and figure out where the problem is?

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How about a link? I have a test site on 4.0.14, with no apparent problems.

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Registered: 05/17/03
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http://blog.phoneboy.com. Try searching on, say, yahoo. Then use the advanced search. There\'s a big difference (and you have to get an account even though I\'ve configured it not to require it). -- PhoneBoy

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Put the following code in your search.class.php file. It is located under /path/to/geeklog/classess . Put it in function _isSearchAllowed(), the line before the first IF, around line 824.
Text Formatted Code
COM_errorLog('loginrequired = '. $_CONF['loginrequired'] .' searchloginrequired = '.$_CONF['searchloginrequired'],1);
This will write to the error log. View the error log and see what the variables are.

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