Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, June 04 2024 @ 07:13 am EDT

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Full translation?


I've set-up my site with geeklog and I use the spanish translation. However, there are some words which are not translated, for example in the homepage you can read "Sections" instead of "Secciones", "What's new" instead of "Novedades" and so on. This also happens with other translations (I've tried french and german). I first supposed (that wold be so strange...) that those words were not at the language files but in the php source files, but I could not find them with grep. Maybe the translations were made for older versions of geeklog (I use the last one) and those words have changed their place in the language file? How can I fix the translation? Some clue? Thanks

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An updated Spanish translation is available from CVS (and from the archives of the geeklog-translations mailing list). bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/05/02
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I hit this too, and was puzzled for a while, until it hit me; those are block names. You need to edit the blocks and change the names.

In one view, this is good, because it is stored in the database (my guess, anyway) so it will stay with you through upgrades and so on. In another view, it would have been easier if those names where in language files, because then you could have your site in several languages, depending on the users preference. Oh well, it is hard to "go all the way" with this, because then you woould need support for writing stories etc. in several languages.


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