Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, September 20 2024 @ 08:21 pm EDT

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Help with a customized theme please

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I just finished all the graphics based on the XSilver theme but here are a few adjustments I would like to make...XSilver seems to be for an 800 wide resolution... I view it though in 1024... How do I get it to open up? I would like the left and right blocks to stay put in size but for the center block to widen if someones resolution is beyond 800...I went into the styles document and changed all links to display in blue without an underline and to turn green when you hover over them but a few links still stay black... The GeekLog v1.3.7sr1 link in the footer is black and any links above all the blocks to static documents stay black... It seems I cannot get to them using the style sheet, any suggestions?How do I remove the "Today's Featured Article" on the homepage that appears over the center block?How do I widen the user name and password fields... Their really short and wouldn't be good for someone with a long name... I tried editing the user document but thats not it... Any suggestions?How do I change the title for the logon box "user functions" to something more meaningful like "authors login"? It seems the option to change the title within the administration console changes another block entitled "user functions"...I am sorry if in anyway it seems I have a lot of questions but I thought I ask them all than ask many times... I hope you understand... Any suggestions are greatly appreciated SmileThank you
Victor B. Gonzalez -


-- The GeekLog v1.3.7sr1 link in the footer for the XSilver theme is defined as class="navtext." The links labeled "advanced search", "Contact", etc are defined as class="headerblock." Just change those in the style sheet. If you want the link to change colors when your cursor hovers over them, then add a definition for hover. Whatever other links are still black look in the page for the class name and then change them in the style sheet. If there's no class, just add one and define it in the style sheet. -- To remove the "Today's Featured Article" words, go inside featuredstorytext.thtml and remove this line: <b>{lang_todays_featured_article}</b> -- To widen the user name and password fields, go inside lib-common.php. Change the "size" value on these two lines from 10 to whatever value you want: . '<input type="text" size="10" name="loginname" value=""><br>' . LB . '<input type="password" size="10" name="passwd"><br>' . LB -- To change the title for the login box, go inside the language files and find "User Functions" and change the words to whatever you want.


Ooops, forgot one. To expand the current layout to fill up a larger screen when resizing the browser, go inside header.thtml and remove the width="780" from this line which is located right below the opening body tag: change from: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="780" align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> to this: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

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Thank you very much anonymous. I followed your suggestions to the T and without a problem all was worked out with one swoop Smile My only question left is how to widen the table for XSilver to occupy 100% of the width... Its cool at 800 but I would really like to see it expand if possible... Any suggestions?---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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Forget my last question about the body size. You answered everything very clearly and I was able to run through it all without a bit of a problem Smile Thank you so very much Wink---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -


If you remove the width in the table tag I pointed out, it should expand to fill the screen when you resize your browser.

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Thanks Anonymous, I did all exactly how you said it and I believe you couldn't put it in easier words Smile Thank you very much for your help on this one, it is indeed appreciated Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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