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User block and Admin block don't show up after upgrade

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Registered: 02/22/02
Posts: 23
The title is a little kinder than it ought to be. I committed some big mistakes, notably: 1) Upgrading to 1.3.7 *at*the*same*time* as moving my web hosting provider (to phpwebhosting.com) 2) Not knowing what version I was at (I was at 1.3.5, tried to apply the patch to 1.3.6, was never sure if it took.)I dumped the MySQL schema, and sourced it on the new system. I copied over all the "hacks", etc. I made the changes to config.php and lib-common.php. I went to http://sitename/admin/install/install.php, answered the questions, and tried telling it I had version 1.3.5...it errored, saying I had the static pages table already. So I told it I had version 1.3.6. It gave me the congratulatory message. (Alas, but somewhere in here, there may have been some DNS flakiness, where there were occasional references to my old provider...don't know for sure.) In any case, now, when I log in, my username appears in the who's logged in block, but... I don't get the Admin block. I don't get the User block. I don't have a logout button. Clearly, there are many ways I may have messed this up. But does anyone know how to get it back...(Worst case scenario, I guess I can delete the database, recreate it from the dump, and try the upgrade again, but I figure there may be a simpler solution.)


Well, heck...I've resourced the database and rerun this exercise several times. It still doesn't work (it doesn't log me in/doesn't give me the new blocks.) I can only imagine that this is the result of some crime I've committed in config.php, lib-common.php, lib-custom.php (which is all about the 'referral' and 'quote' blocks) Perhaps I've entered some illegal value into a cookie timeout? I'll try to check that out, next. Another note (perhaps a clue?): There's no vertical divider between the last top menu item and the static page I've got. -David

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Registered: 02/22/02
Posts: 23
One possible wrinkle...I was using Squatty's cool phplinks integration. I decided to go with the included link engine instead, so may need to do some tinkering to "undo" the phplinks integration from the tables. Maybe that's related to the problem?

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Registered: 02/22/02
Posts: 23
I don't think phplinks was the problem. Perhaps this will help: I started with 1.3.5. Instead of upgrading to 1.3.6, I had applied the patch (I think). Perhaps I did it wrong. If, in trying to upgrade, I tell the installer my version is 1.3.6, I get the following error: 1146: Table 'portal.gl_staticpage' doesn't exist If I tell it my current version is 1.3.5, I get the failure to generate user or admin blocks when I log in. Surely, I'm not the only one failing at this.

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Registered: 02/22/02
Posts: 23
Aha, so maybe I'm getting closer. While the rest of the tables are prefixed with "gl_", the way I added the new staticpages resulted in a table called "staticpage", with no prefix. I renamed the table and tried again. Now, I get the weirdness when upgrading assuming 1.3.6 (unable to login). But when I "upgrade" from 1.3.5, I get the following error: 1050: Table './portal/gl_staticpage.frm' already exists Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Earlier versions of the static pages plugin used "staticpage" as the table name. This was changed in 1.3.6 (it's "gl_staticpage" from then on). When upgrading from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6, the install script will try to rename the static pages table accordingly. bye, Dirk

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Posts: 23
Apparently, session id's (or perhaps cookie ID's) can't have periods in them. So, I had renamed the session id: small.to_session Changing this to small_to_session fixed the problem.

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