Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, June 08 2024 @ 04:48 pm EDT

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I just did two upgrades. One works, one doesn't. The one that doesn't won't allow posts unless I turn spam-x off. This version is very different from the last version. The only thing I can do is enable or disable it. The error page seems to indicate that alot of the old stuff is still in the db? This is what I get:

An error has occurred:
2 - preg_match(): Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 0 @ /home/ginny/plugins/spamx/BlackList.Examine.class.php line 72

array(12) {
&object(blacklist)(2) {

Followed by lots more. But towards the end, I see some of the stuff from the old install. Did I miss something?



Replying to my own post. I have a little more info. Turns out I have a spamx link on one site and not the other. So, I tried to go to the missing link by placing the path in the url. I now get:

Access Denied
Only Root Users have Access to this Page. Your user name and IP have been recorded.

I have tried from two accounts with the user showing 'checked' as a root user under the users panel. I even wiped out the old stuff and started over. So, I'm more than stumped at this point.




I cleared all of my 'personal' items out of the DB and posting is now working. I just have to find out why I don't get access to configure it from the root account.


From the spamx index.php page in the admin directory:

// Only let admin users access this page
if (!SEC_hasRights ('spamx.admin'Wink) {

If I remove the ! I can login and use the page. So, I would have to think that I am not passing the correct value. Since the DB is the only hold over, I would have to think that the problem is in there some where. I have poked around using a gui interface, but I can't find anything that sticks out when comparing the working install to the non working install. Any clues on where to look in the DB?


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You seem to have lost the 'spamx.admin' permission. Check that your user account is still a member of the 'spamx Admin' group and that that group still contains that permission.

bye, Dirk


I added spamx admin to one user and logged in. Still nothing. It shows ok in the gui when assigning to the users. That is why I was wondering where in the DB the flag gets set.


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Edit the 'spamx Admin' group. Make sure it has the 'spamx.admin' entry checked (under 'Rights'Wink.

bye, Dirk


That did it. Thanks.

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