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Can't do a backup. Error message for "0 byte" - Please help

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Registered: 04/06/04
Posts: 59
I'm using GL 1.3.9 and can't do a backup of my site.

When I click the backup button I obtain an error message saying "Backup failed. File size was 0 byte".

I don't know where the error could be. I'm using also another website with the same 1.3.9 and everything works well.

Any idea?
admin of http://www.tampano.com


Quote by tampano: I'm using GL 1.3.9 and can't do a backup of my site.

When I click the backup button I obtain an error message saying "Backup failed. File size was 0 byte".

I don't know where the error could be. I'm using also another website with the same 1.3.9 and everything works well.

Any idea?

Did you check if the file acutally has created a file with 0-size? did you do a backup already the same day? are you sure the arguments in config.php are correct?

if the file was not created at all, your directory settings might be wrong 777?.
if you did a backup already the same day, delete the old fiel first.
compare if the settings for the backup in the config.php are the same as in the other setup. is it the same machine? if not the setup might have to be changed.

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Registered: 04/06/04
Posts: 59
Quote by tokyoahead:
if the file was not created at all, your directory settings might be wrong 777?.
if you did a backup already the same day, delete the old fiel first.
compare if the settings for the backup in the config.php are the same as in the other setup. is it the same machine? if not the setup might have to be changed.

No files inside the "backups" folder.
Permissions are 777 for that folder.
Never did a backup before.
The other site is on another hosting company.
Maybe the path in the config.php should be different than '/usr/bin/mysqldump'? Should I check with my webspace provider? Or is it not necessary? I mean...if that path to mysqldump is wrong...should I have changed other paths for make GL work? The only path I "adapted" were the ones pointing to the public and "private" directory...according to the "real" path of my provider.
admin of http://www.tampano.com

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Quote by tampano: I'm using GL 1.3.9 and can't do a backup of my site.
I had the same issue when i was using 1.3.9... it went away magically when i upgraded. give that a shot.

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Registered: 04/06/04
Posts: 59
Can I upgrade to the last 1.3.9? (1.3.9sr2?)

I think my theme is not compatible with 1.3.10 and later
admin of http://www.tampano.com


You should check where your mysqldump is for sure.
if the path is not correct nothing will work.

alternatively you can use my plugin from the download section here . it does backups without using mysqldump. however, it also zips the result :-)

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Registered: 04/06/04
Posts: 59
This is the answer from tech assistance of my web hosting service:
This is probably due to the way we have the database configured. It will
only accept connections from the web server and the admin tool.

You can do a database dump by logging into the database admin tool in
the memebers area.

Maybe I'll try your mysqldump plugin :-)
admin of http://www.tampano.com

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Registered: 04/06/04
Posts: 59
I installed your plugina and obtained the message:

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /web/sites/20/tampano/www.tampano.com/gkstp/plugins/phpdump/functions.inc on line 58

at the very top of my page.

Then I looked into the functions.inc file...and added '/backups' in the backup path. But the error is still there :-(

Any idea?

If I want to use phpmyadmin (provided in the hosting control panel) which is the procedure and the parameters to set? I didn't make a backup before with phpmyadmin.

Thanks in advance

admin of http://www.tampano.com


I just installed Geeklog for the first time tonight and I had this same problem. After searching through the Geeklog error log (logs/error.log) and trying to do a manual dump of the database using the same commands referenced in the log, I realized it was a character in my SQL user password (defined in config.php) that the mysqldump command didn't like.

In my case it was the left bracket character ( that caused mysqldump to generate the following error:

syntax error near unexpected token '('

After I removed it from the password, my backup worked fine. Interestingly I had originally included the $ in my password but removed it before I did the install, thinking it could cause a problem with the PHP syntax. I hadn't considered a similar issue with the ( character. So much for trying to make a "stronger" password lol



i accidently made a new topic instead of reply anyways

try this
change the file geeklog_path/public_html/admin/database.php modify this :
Text Formatted Code

// Perform the backup if asked
if (isset ($_GET['mode']) &&
        ($_GET['mode'] == $LANG_DB_BACKUP['do_backup'])) {
    if (is_dir ($_CONF['backup_path'])) {
        $curdatetime = date ("Y_m_d_H_i_s");
        $backupfile = "{$_CONF['backup_path']}geeklog_db_backup_{$curdatetime}.sql";
        // here's my workaround
       // just comment these lines :
        //$command = $_DB_mysqldump_path . "-h$_DB_host";  
        //if (!empty ($_DB_pass)) {
        //   $command .= " -p\"$_DB_pass\"";
        //if (!empty ($_CONF['mysqldump_options'])) {
        //    $command .= ' ' . $_CONF['mysqldump_options'];
        //$command .= " $_DB_name > \"$backupfile\"";
        $command =  "/usr/bin/mysqldump -Q -h localhost -u'username' -p'strong password' DBName > ../../backups/geeklog_db_backup_{$curdatetime}.sql";

it 'll do the trick , just replace username and strong password with your stuff and leave the quotes ('Wink

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