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What's the trackback URL?


What is the trackback URL for stories? I tried tracking back my own story using that story's URL but it said it was not a valid URL.

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The Trackback URL will be detected automatically, if you follow the normal procedure: Write a story linking to the other story (to which you want to send a Trackback), publish the story, use the "Ping" link from the admin's list of stories, follow the instructions.

Also, in the Professional theme, the Trackback URL is displayed below the article text (on the article page). You may have to update your theme.

bye, Dirk

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And what is wrong when this error turns up?

Fehler beim Senden des Trackback-Kommentars:
title missing excerpt missing url missing blog name missing

I think I have added all these things. The trackback went to a sunlog.ch blog.

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Quote by 1000ideen: title missing excerpt missing url missing blog name missing

That's what the receiving site returned. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, as only the URL is mandatory, according to the Trackback specification.

Try asking the owner of that site.

bye, Dirk


The reason I ask is that there are stilla lot of people using thrid-party trackback methods (such as Haloscan) on their blogs. In order to send a trackback, you need to enter the specific trackback URL of the given story. I used to use Haloscan and would like to use the GL trackback now that it's integrated. I used to have a link at the bottom of the story to the trackback URL. What would the URL be for those users who need an explicit trackback URL?

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Click that "link at the bottom of the story to the trackback URL" and you will see the whole story AND the trackback URL like here:

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http://www.example.com/trackback.php?id=story-id (when URL rewriting is off).

But, as I wrote above, you should also find the trackback URL on the article page.

bye, Dirk

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