Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, June 02 2024 @ 09:54 am EDT

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FCKEditor Images


I'm trying to use the fckEditor stuff in GL1.4 to add images to some stories. I'm not having much luck.

I can switch tof ull screen, press the "Image" button and get the popup. When I click on "browse", I get another popup that starts to look like the file browser, but no files ever appear. I get the interface, but I'm unable to switch directories or see any files, and any attempts to upload just freeze at 0%.

After reading some of the comments in the main story, I enabled debugging in the fckEditor mcpuk stuff, and it works perfectly. But if I turn off debugging, then it doesn't work . Any ideas?


Anyone? Are there requirements on permissions, installed libraries, versions of PHP, etc that I don't know about?

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It happened to me too. I could only see the files once I've upgraded from PHP v5.0.3 to v5.0.5 .


But I'm running 5.1.1 ?


Some more info.. I enabled debugging of Errors only, and when I click the "Browse" button in the image popup, I get the following error 6 times :

19/02/2006 21:53:02
Error Number: 2
Error Message: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Error File: /home/users/yerase/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php
Error Line: 539


But strangely enough, it works. If I turn off debugging, then it fails & does nothing. Does this yield any answers?

PS: Just installed the new 1.4sr1 upgrade, no change.

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Check the file names under fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/

This was happening to me, too. I went through and found that several of the file extensions (ie; .jpg, .php, etc.) had 000064 added to them. Changing the names back to the proper extensions fixed it.

For example, document2.jpg was called document2.jpg000064. There were alot of files like that... deleting the extra characters on the filenames made it all work...

was that clear? Shocked


Nothing like that going on here... All the filenames look fine to me.


I checked yesterday, I have php 5.1.1 running. Still can't get this to work right.

In the interim, i've just enabled the Debug Output for the mcpuk stuff.

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I have the same problem. Could not view the images after they were uploaded. Once I turned on debugging, everthing seems to work fine.

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Registered: 02/22/06
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Quote by scroff: Check the file names under fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/

This was happening to me, too. I went through and found that several of the file extensions (ie; .jpg, .php, etc.) had 000064 added to them. Changing the names back to the proper extensions fixed it.

For example, document2.jpg was called document2.jpg000064. There were alot of files like that... deleting the extra characters on the filenames made it all work...

was that clear? Shocked

I had this problem too and followed the advice above, and it worked. Look in ALL the folders under fckeditor/editor/filemanager, as the affected files in my case were not in /mcpuk/ folder.

HTH, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)

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Posts: 20
Thanks, that did the trick. I had checked my /mcpuk/ folder earlier to see if I had the same problem, but could not find any affected files. I turns out that there were plenty of affected files in other folders.


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