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Setting up a Story Admin

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Could someone explain to me step by step how to Set up a Story Admin. I've read the FAQ and that doesn't help me much. I need to know a practicle where to go and what to change to make it so that someone can edit any post they want.

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Could you try and ask more specific questions about this? It could get a bit long-winded otherwise ...

Assigning a user to a group is done by checking the group's checkbox in that user's settings (from the Admin's Only block -> Users). Checkboxes for the permissions are at the bottom of the Topic and Story editors. Shouldn't be too hard to figure that out.

bye, Dirk

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I've added users to the TOPIC group and the STORY group and they are still unable to edit their own articles that have been previously posted. How do I make it so they can re-edit posts?

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
They don't have to be members of the Topic Admin group, unless you want them to be able to edit or create topics.

The two key points to take care of are:

1. Make sure the topics and stories are owned by a group of which all those people are a member. That can either be a new group (you can just create a new group, give it a name and a description and nothing else) or you can use, say, the Logged-in Users group.

2. When they create a story, tell them to make sure the "Group E" checkbox is checked. Otherwise, only they themselves (and the Admin) will be able to edit that story, but not the other editors. Unless that is what you wanted, of course ...

bye, Dirk

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The E is checked off and the person who posted the story can't re-edit a post they submitted (not me, I am the admin and I have access).

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
If they can't edit their own stories, then either you're missing the "group E" check on the topic and / or the topic and story are owned by a group of which that person is not a member of (see 1. above).

bye, Dirk

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Okay say one of my reporters posts a story. They have story and topic rights. They post it as a draft. All the rights checkmarks at the bottom of the story are checked including the E. And the Group in the article is "Story Admin".

It is still telling them they don't have edit rights to the story... why?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
As I said above: Check the topic permissions, too.

Remember the analogy from the FAQ? If you don't have write access for the folder (= topic), you can't change the file (= story), even if you have write access for the file.

bye, Dirk

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