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host mutiple domains with geeklog


hello, i would like to host multiple geeklog websites off one server using apache. Is this possible with one database? I'm assuming the best way would be to have a seperate database for each but just wanted to make sure. If this question is covered in the FAQ i missed it somewhere. Thanks

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here is somewhere to start.
GeekLog Hosting, Installations and Upgrades - WWW.AWEHOST.COM - Hosting starts @ only $4.95/mo.


I don't neccessarily want to use the same database for each site. If I am hosting multiple site with apache, is it okay to just create new databases for each site and configure appropriately? Thanks

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It sounds like you want to do typical shared hosting setup. Each domain has it's own version of geeklog and database.

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Yes. You can use seperate databases with the same code base.
Here is the FAQ on how to do that.

Or if that is too tricky you can also install multiple copies of the entire Geeklog tarball into different directories and modify the config.php path settings appropriately.

Bottom line, if you have the knowhow to manually install one geeklog site then it isn't that much of a leap to setup 2 or more in whatever configuration you like.
1)1 database/single core code/multiple sites
2)multiple databases/single core code//multiple sites
3)multiple databases/multiple core code folders/multiple sites
4) 1 database/multiple core code folders/multiple sites

Number 3 is probably the simplest and safest way to do it because you don't have to worry about mistakenly editing things across multiple sites(although experienced geekloggers can comfortably do this)

Option one has potentially the best performance and ease of upgrading and patching. But if you have a client on one site that doesn't want to upgrade yet because a plugin they use isn't compatible with the new version yet, then the other sites have to wait for the upgrade.

Options 1 and 4 (single database) make backing up and restoring a little tricky if you want the ability to restore only one of backups. Being careful not to drop all tables in the process. Experienced MySQL users shouldn't have have a problem.

Hope this helps.

-Matthew Cox

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I have 15 geeklog sites on one server and one core GL.

Each site has it's own config

Each site has it's own public_html and DB that way each site can be different.

Each database matches the config
geeklog1 (mysql db) = config1.php

For the install, I just change every occurance of confg.php to config#.php using a text editor then just run the install as normal. Oh and you have to insure that lib-common.php has the right config set or after you installed it will pick up the settings of another site, but if you make that mistake it's not fatel just change your lib-common.php to the right config#.php and viola.

It takes me about 10 minutes to set up a new site if that, maybe 5 minutes.

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ronack, what are you saving by doing that? It sounds like everything is still kept seperate accecpt a few class files and language files.

I must be missing something.

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Hi, I'm just wondering if it's possible to connect two geeklogs (different versions and different databases). The only thing I want is to avoid multiple logging in.
I don't know if it's understandable. I mean: I have two geekolgs and I want the users loggin just once and the skip from one geeklog to another geeklog without new logging in (and with the same name and same rights).
Can you help me somehow?
Thanks zoooom

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Quote by zoooom: I mean: I have two geekolgs and I want the users loggin just once and the skip from one geeklog to another geeklog without new logging in (and with the same name and same rights).

See my second post in this thread.

But the two user bases have to be 100% in sync (best way to accomplish this would be to start off fresh). And both sites should run the same Geeklog version.

bye, Dirk

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