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Panama Guide - Working Out the Bugs, adding Plugins, lots of traffic

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I'm getting a lot of traffic and love the interface. I'm still learning GL and I'm having a couple of glitches with the upgrade to .11 Specifically, once an article is submitted to the database, I can call it back up and edit it, but the changes don't "take." I'm trying to work that one out now.

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That is pretty well documented in the forum.

You have to upgrade your theme Mr. Green

Just use this feature ...
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Location:Panama City, Republic of Panama
Ok, I've dug through the forums, updated the theme, and I still have the problem. I post a story, then can't edit the story once it's up. I am not getting the "User ID" thing. I don't get an error message at all. It simply does not update the story. I looks like it "takes" but then the edit does not. Any other suggestions?

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Quote by winnerdk: I am not getting the "User ID" thing.

What do you mean by that?

Also, did you try it with the professional theme that ships with Geeklog?

bye, Dirk


No, I'm using Axonz v 3.5 Red, which is supposed to comply wity GL v1.3.11. I've updated the theme, which did not fix the problem.

This is what happens. I can write and post a story, but once it's in the database, that's it. I can call it up and hit "edit" and make the changes, but when I hit "save" it apparently "takes" but then it goes back to the original story, the way it was, without the changes. In other words, the edit does not make it into the database.

And no, I have not tried switching back to the professional theme to see if the problem still exists. I also do not get the ID error that other people have reported.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to how I should proceed from here. Thanks.

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Why not switch back in your user preferences to the professional theme, to confirm it is not a theme issue ?

It´s kind of difficult to assist if you don't confirm that the problem also exists with the professional theme and it only takes you a second to check that one out, without your users nothing it.

Best Regards,
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal


Yeah, you were right. It does not happen with the professional theme. Now what? I guess I should be talking to the guys that wrote the theme, eh? I'll go do that now. Thanks.


I just replaced the storyeditor.thtml in Axonz Red 3.5 with the one from the professional theme, and it seems to work fine now (fixed the problem with the theme, and I can update and edit the stories now.) Do you think it's going to make something else blow up?

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I would actually suggest to replace the entire 'admin' directory of your theme with the one from Geeklog's professional theme. Most themes don't modify these anyway (other than maybe the size of the text input fields) and you'll be on the safe side ...

bye, Dirk


Big Celebration Rockin, and will do. Working just fine now. You 'da man. Very Happy

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