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Static Pages from Files on Web Server Hack


I have been working on a hack to allow you to use Dreamweaver or another HTML editor to edit your files off line and then upload them into your site via FTP and then have them show up as a static page from within geeklog.

I am wondering if people would like me to develop this into an official hack or try to get it into the official version

So far I have the following functions working.

Show static file as part of static page
Writeback from geeklog admin onto file.

I am sure there are plenty of security problems that I need to address.

What functions would people think I should add.

What security issues should I address


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Interesting idea. I think that would be a very useful hack, or maybe a plugin, so when you complete it, post it in the downloads area.

A question I have though, since the content of the staticpages is kept in the database, how do you go about editing the page in a WYSISWYG editor and sending it to the database? It seems that you'd have to upload the page, write code to copy the text from that page, and insert it into the database table. To me, that would be like duplicating the file.

Unless of course, you intend on doing away with the database altogether and formatting the static page to fit within the right and left blocks. Which might not be a bad idea...


So far i have set the page to write back to the static file. You need to set the permissions up so that you can edit them along with the web server. Also, I load the page back into the database to make sure the backup of the DB and the search still work. It is kinda redundant, but it is a hack,

I am going to see if I can get it included in the development tree, but if not I will make a pluging

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You could use the old "externalpages" plugin, if you want geeklog security without the rest of the functions.


Quote by Remdotc: You could use the old "externalpages" plugin, if you want geeklog security without the rest of the functions.

Is there any additional information or manuals on the externalpages plugin?

I for the life of me can not figure out how to get it to work.

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