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Installation issue - NAT and Firewall


Hey all, I just got a new domain registered, and have it pointing to my IP address (with masking). My machine is inside my firewall and port 80 is open on the firewall directing http requests at my machine.

My internal network address for this machine is, for example:

My static IP address is 65.34.xx.yyy.

When people come to my site Florida Caching none of the images show. But, if you view the html source for the page, all the stylesheets are listed correctly. As a matter of fact, you can mark, copy and paste any of the URL's listed into the browser and they work.

Any ideas? What am I missing?


Florida Caching

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Forum User
Registered: 06/12/02
Posts: 55
I took a look at your site. Lets assume you are (since you said nat) running A Linux firewall

You have your site pointed to in the frame window. Thats your problem. With NAT, your webserver doesnt need to know its public address inmost cases. This is also true with your website. First off, lets assume you are running an external DNS, which is okay. Your hosts file should contain the name of your machine at the very least, and the name of your website

Now in apaches config, your server or virtual host container should be the name of the entry you placed in the hosts file for your website (unless again you are running DNS)

after you restart apache, check the geeklog config, make sure your not using an ip address for a site location, thats bad. use the name use used in the hosts file instead (thats good)

in /etc/hosts mail.foo.bar web.foo.bar localhost mywebsite mywebsite.foo.bar

in apache config
servername mywebsite

for your dns records you should have
host name
mywebsite.foo.bar Ip_ADDY_of_Your_NAT_BOX
cname www mywebsite
cname somethingElSe mywebsite

Make sense?

Anyways, If you give more exact details,. like os/ os version, NATbox type / what ever I will offer what assistance I can.


Well, I figured part of that. But not the apache config - I had neglected that. I took your suggestions and applied them. The frameset is still pointing to the IP address I'm afraid.

OS: Windows 2k Prof

Hosts Entries
======== localhost
192.168.0.x floridacaching floridacaching.com www.floridacaching.com

Apache httpd.conf
ServerName floridacaching

GL config.php setting
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.floridacaching.com';

Thanks for any and all assistance you can provide!



One other thing:

NAT/Firewall/DHCP is provided by a Netgear Cable/DSL Web Safe Router RP614v2.

Thanks again,



Still have problems with this...

Can anyone help?

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