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Image Magick vs. Gdlib vs. Netpbm

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Can you provide the ease order of the three?
And what is the size difference?

My host says I can either install Netpbm by myself, or have them install either Image Magick or Gdlib for me.

A little Google search revealed that Netpbm is the only one of the bunch that needs no installation, because it's "self contained" (like a PHP script - if you don't count the PHP program itself, of course...). Really? If so, that explains why they wouldn't do it for me (I mean, why bother if I can just upload it...).


I've noticed Gblid it's the only one of the three which doesn't have a path configuration in config.php.
How come?

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I actually did some research to install a photo album and it's probably why you're asking theses questions. I didn't finish my research but here are some of my finding :

- Quite complete for images functions
- Faster (then NetPBM for some functions)
- Installation seems to be complicated (lots of options)
- Can be install without root access

- Quite complete for images functions
- If the binary exist for your OS you'll only need to copy it to your account
- Can be install without root access

GD Lib
- Version 2+ doesn't support GIF
- Usefull for script that generate live chart
- Module must be compiled with PHP
- Need root access

GD is a lib and once compiled with PHP you only need to use the php function for GD, so no need of a path. The other 2 are programs use seperatly from PHP so that's why you need to identify their path.

As for their size I don't have the answer, but for GD and ImageMagick it shouldn't influence your account size because theses programs once installed can be used to all the other account on the server.

ImageMagick seems to be the way to go for photo albums, but GD is often use for other type of script. If you can I'd suggest you ask your provider to install both and if your in a hurry just try NetPBM.

I should install ImageMagick tomorrow so I'll let you know if I experience any kind of problem.

Bye for now.

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Thanks, Danisk, that pretty much covers everything.

One additional comment: Geeklog's GD lib support will try to convert GIFs to PNGs, if GD lib is configured such that it can at least read GIFs.

bye, Dirk

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[QUOTE Danisk]
As for their size I don't have the answer, but for GD and ImageMagick it shouldn't influence your account size because theses programs once installed can be used to all the other account on the server.
Well, by looking at my host's forums, I gathered that somehow they only install it for me, so that's not what's going to convince them...
Then again, maybe all they do is sort of "enabling" it for me so the size is still their problem, but who knows.

Besides, you said yourself that Image Magick's installation doesn't require root. If so, I can install it alone and then the size surely is my problem.

But the most important thing (if the size of all three is relatively small) is the options. Bugging my host to install something is one thing, but whining everytime I want an option changed is something else.
And knowing myself, it's bound to happen...

Maybe using Netpbm is simpler because you made it sound like a one file program that probably has no INI file or whatever.

I mainly need this for resizing. Right now I have to use Geeklog's internal picture support for thumbnails, and upload the real picture myself.
I then use
Text Formatted Code

<a href="images/articles/same_id_as_thumbnail_2.jpg"


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Sorry, ignore this post. And, speaking of which, is there a way not to edit messages in the forum, but to actually delete them?

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Quote by LWC: Sorry, ignore this post. And, speaking of which, is there a way not to edit messages in the forum, but to actually delete them?

Only admins/moderators can do that.

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