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Is there a function for editing config.php?

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Before I go an write one, I'm just wondering if it already exists. I want to make it so that an admin can change the config.php file from the web GUI where the fields of config.php will just show up as fields in the GUI


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I have not seen anything like this. I agree it could be convenient, but I hope you understand the security implications this could pose. If anyone gets access to your config.php file, they could cause havoc on your server. In addition to the fact that you will be providing a web interface to the file (which is itself a risk). You will also be forced to give the webserver process write access permissions to the config.php file.

If you want to create a utility of this sort, I would suggest an option that users could choose, which would cause the page to only edit a copy of the config file, and would then require that the user manually replace the existing config file. This would provide a convenient editing environment, without the security implications. (To simplify the process for users, but still provide more security, you could also provide a small php/perl/shell script which had to be run from the command line which would do the replacement)


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Didn't Tom Willet write a tool that simply loaded the config.php into an edit field?

I was playing around with a more comfortable approach at one point (with individual edit fields for each setting, even drop-down menus) but, as exaurdon already mentioned, there are security issues with this.

If you have complete control over the environment and know what you're doing, then it is doable, though. Send me an email and I see if I can dig up the remains of my experiments.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by Dirk: Didn't Tom Willet write a tool that simply loaded the config.php into an edit field?

See here for the config editor and other tools I made.



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