Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, June 12 2024 @ 07:28 am EDT

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Scratched my head raw over this one, please help


I kinda think I know what I am doing. This is driving me nuts. Here's my dilemma:

I have downloaded the latest version, unrar and uploaded the public_html folder into my public_html folder on my server. I created a new folder called 'GL' on my server (in the same root as the following folders: 'tmp', 'public_ftp', 'public_html', 'mail' & 'www'), which according to the instructions is right.

I checked the permissions on:


and they are all set to 775.

I then went into mysql and created a database and username, as instructed.

I edited config.php, like this:

$_DB_dbms = 'mysql'; // Do not change (currently, only MySQL is supported)
$_DB_host = 'localhost';
$_DB_name = 'trainet_geeklogdatabase'; // Yes, your DB must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'trainet_riz';
$_DB_pass = 'I have deleted this for this posting only';
$_DB_table_prefix = 'gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'

Then I edited the following like this:

$_CONF['path'] = '/home/trainet/public_html/'; // C:/inetpub/wwwroot/geeklog

// you only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html directory
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'public_html/';

// you shouldn't need to edit the following
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['rdf_file'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'backend/geeklog.rdf';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';

I then went to lib-common.php and did the following:

require_once( '/home/trainet/GL/config.php' );

After this I opened my browser (IE6) and typed in myurl/admin/install/install.php This has brought me to Geeklog Installation Step 1 of 2, I have selected installation type as 'New Database' and then path to Geeklog as '/home/trainet/GL/config.php When I click on next I get the following message:

Geeklog Installation - Error
Geeklog could not find config.php in the path you just entered: /home/trainet/GL/config.php
Please check this path and try again.

Any suggestions, I am completely stumped.



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I'm not sure, but as far as I understand you have you GL folder and the public_html folder at one level. Geeklog assumes that public_html is a child folder of your Geeklog-directory like

../GL/(where your config.php is "$_CONF['path']" )


You can alter the location fo the public_html folder, but then you must change the setting for
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'public_html/';
to the absolute path like '/home/trainet/public_html/'



Thx for your prompy reply.

Now please translate that into newbie language.

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$_CONF['path'] = '/home/trainet/public_html/'; // C:/inetpub/wwwroot/geeklog

It should be /home/trainet/gl/


I deleted it all last night cause of frustration. Am now going to try and start from scratch with a fresh mind.

Will keep you informed.

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