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Geeklog under MySQL 4.0.11a-gamma-log

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According to the "support" staff at Powweb, the commercial host that installed MySQL 4.0.11a-gamma-log and then set the throttle so low that Geeklog cannot operate, it's all Geeklog's fault.

Quoting "Starr, good server admin":

Powweb will not be held responsible for users that use poor code. You want to complain, complain to the programmers that built the bloated software you are using.

You can read more of Starr P's comments here.

OK, here I am:

  • I need Geeklog. I've found nothing that compares to Geeklog's built in group and security features.
  • I must use commercial servers.

    What now?

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    ooooh.. admins like that boil my blood.

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    Sounds like it is time to look for another host. They sound like they over sell there space. I don't see how they can sell 30 GB transfer for that cheap. Look at page-zone com for great service. Dwight

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    Why not try me? I run MULTIPLE GeekLog sites on my shared host with no problems, and always have had clean installs... Every time. Each account even comes with /public_html so GL simply runs out of the box with no extra path efforts. ;-) I can also customize a plan to your specific needs if required, and offer special rates for GeekLog sites.

    Oh, and unlimited mySQL database support with phpmyadmin.

    L. Whitworth

    L. Whitworth

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    geesusss ! And I was very forgiving when one of their upgrades took me out for 3 days and left intermittent acces for another 3. I can't believe the attitude and the fact that they feel they can change a business agreement without even informing the customer! If you hadn't pointed that post to me, I wouldn't have known about this new limit - their communication skills suck big time - and you can't even tell them that because they'll delete your post and ban your IP! So my TOS and contract have changed - I think its time to bail. I'm not one of the masses - but they only cater to the masses. Dammmmm - I even referred quite a few people their way. Time for a redirect to psekhosting or somewhere else.

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    Try these changes as see if it helps.
    Lib enhancements


    It's interesting Starr, the wonderdog, at Powweb was unable to answer your two questions:

    Will using persisent connections (mysql_pconnect) rather than mysql_connect reduce the number of "questions" counted.

    Will using different users (but no more than three) for different mySQL applications reduce the overall chance of triggering the limit?

    If she is in charge of taking care of the servers, she ought to be able to answer your questions. She (Powweb) is clueless about customer service too:

    The old adage “the customer is always right” is not in play here. The customer is only right when he/she is right. If he/she’s wrong, they're wrong. We not only have no problem pointing that out, we feel it is our duty. You can’t learn if no one points out your errors.

    Anyone who has worked in the customer service area knows the customer is always right. A professional knows how to educate customers without insulting them like she does. Plus you never get into pissing matches no matter how abusive a customer may be. You simply and very nicely ask him to take his business elsewhere if you can't satisfy his needs. You don't remove a paying customer's posts or ban his IP address. That's very, very unprofessional!!

    I think you're better off moving to another host. One that treats its customers well not like dirt. They must have their servers jammed packed to treat people this way.

    I think Geeklog's connections problem though needs to be addressed. JpG mentioned on this same thread he's hitting the limit too with only one customer in one hour. I don't think vinny's work is the solution to their problem. It helps, but it's not an overall solution. I wonder if other CMS' are in the same situation. It would be nice to know what other programs these 2% going over the limit are running.

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    I would have to disagree with the statement that the customer is always right. The customer is often wrong. However, they should still be helped and treated with respect even when they are wrong. Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

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    I agree, the customer is often wrong. The adage though is really a mentality thing. Those who have built successful businesses always treat their customers well. When service turns poor, you'll see their business start going down hill especially for small companies. These ISPs are a dime a dozen today. If you can't get good customer service, then just move to another one. I think it's much better to treat an annoying or abusive customer with kindness. He'll either change his behavior in kind or get even more annoyed because you're so calm and nice.

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    Geeklog does have alot of extra calls to the MySQL database. Most of geeklog is pretty well optimized but there are still some parts that need improvement. My changes to lib-security probably reduced the number of SQL queries for Admin users by more than 100 per page load (by about 30-50 for other users). I'm looking at other places in the code where I can improve performance and reduce sql queries. This is a time consuming task though, so don't expect any new improvements in the near future. All that being said, your hosting service is obviously not working for you so switch. You just shouldn't talk to customers that way no matter that they are right or wrong. Hard limits to the number of queries are clearly designed to save them bandwidth. MySQL, even on a shared server, can easily handle the load of dozens of geeklog sites getting 100s of hits per hour. Good Luck, Vinny

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    Lol like I said on Powweb Board I think that the 2% of the customers that reach the limit are all or allmost Geeklog users Razz But powweb don't care about 2% of their population they got many other people so 2% is an acceptable lost for a non-professional host. I dunno in witch category they are but I got a little idea on it...


    I wandered over to Powweb and read some of the posts. People running other software are having similar problems. Some of the other packages mentioned are: PhpBB2, Invision Board, PhpNuke, VBB, and YABB SE. It appears anyone running a forum even with low traffic is hitting their limits. Powweb gives out all this disk space and bandwidth but are literally preventing their customers from using it with these limits they imposed. They did raise the levels one time but seem reluntanct to go higher. The most amazing thing I read over there was how they are unwilling to raise it even if people are willing to pay more money. They've lost touch.


    Yes I posted a post on Powweb ( I dunno if I deleted it but...) and I was saying that 500mb and 30gb is great but its useless if you can't run the site.

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    Yes they help! I didnt bypassed the limit today only by adding those codes!! thx man

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    What was the max number of people at one time on your site today?

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