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install probelms with geeklog 1.3.7


I was running geeklog version 1.3.6 with no issues, Ive upgraded to geeklog 1.3.7 and my main site, www.thedarkrealm.info, doesnt display anymore Frown It just keeps refreshing, checked the html for the page it generates and this is all thats generated: <html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://www.thedarkrealm.info/index.php"></head></html> Someone has stated this may be caused by cookies, but that doesnt help me any cause even with this info it doesnt tell me how to fix it! Ive left my site running, take a look and tell me what im doing wrong please Thanks

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
What is the real URL of your site and what do you have for $_CONF['site_url']? Is there some sort of redirection involved? bye, Dirk


Cool, While I'm making my Theme up ill list anything that I don't think is quite right and let you know. I'll try to be thorough, wanna make the ultimate seemless theme and that means little tweeks like for Example: In Success.php the css <h2> is used in line: <h2>Installation of Geeklog $VERSION complete!</h2> but <h2> is also used in the Poll Block for the Question, with the block background color being different from the body the text will not be suitably customisable for best viewing. I'll see if I make a list up. I said I was fussy, but hopefully I can help out on the layout side of things.


No redirection on my site, the URL is http://www.thedarkrealm.info, which points straight to the IP address of my server, I have changed it back to geeklog 1.3.6 so the site is working now, Ill post both my config.php file and my lib-common.php file once I get home so you can view them, but I have only changed that is needed, not added anything else


Got my config.php and lib-common.php posted now, theres no mistakes is there? any help is appreciated, and these files are hosted on my ISP, not my webserver, thanks

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm, looks fine as far as I can tell from here ... Can you check what your server returns for $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST']? Something like <?php echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST']; ?> in a file called host.php (or something) should do. Or could you point me to a file that does a phpinfo() on your server (there's one in Geeklog's install directory: admin/install/info.php). The PHP version you're running could also be of interest ... bye, Dirk


Ive left the PHP info file running, my site is up and running again, but its only geeklog 1.3.6 Frown http://www.thedarkrealm.info/admin/install/info.php hopefully should give you the info you need. Ive tried running MySQL version 3.23 normal/max and Ive tried running 4.0.6 normal/max Ive even tried changing webservers, Ive tried Apache, IIS (both 5+6) and omni httpd, all with the same effect. I cant work out whats going on, Ive gone through a 500(ish) page PHP book trying to give me clues to whats going on, but I still have no clue! The admin page loads ok, it only happens when i try to open the index.php file! Its starting to annoy me now, I dont like it when things beat me!

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Okay, I see two problems: 1) You don't have an HTTP_HOST variable, thus it will be treated as empty which is always different from the string it's compared against. So that explains the endless loop you've seen ... 2) Your server is named "localhost" (instead of "thedarkrealm.info"Wink, so even if you had an HTTP_HOST variable, it wouldn't work as expected ... The solution for both problems is to take out the code that's new in index.php (as of 1.3.7): Just after the require_once('lib-common.php'), there's a preg_match(), followed by an if block. Take those out and it should work. Need to come up with a more portable solution for 1.3.8, it seems ... bye, Dirk


Thanks, its working fine now!

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