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Geeklog finally dead?

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Quote by: beewee

Well, since Geeklog needs a second life, renaming it to glNext or something like that would be enough, unless Blaine complains since that's a bit similar to the name of his company.

And the slogan? "The ultimate platform for your web entrance" offers everything GL offers.

I wouldn't have an issue - you can even call it nexpro if you like 8)
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

Sean Clark

What about something like TipTop? or TiptopCMS? Or a multitude of other interesting words in the thesaurus that will stick out in people's minds...


Quote by: Sean Clark

What about something like TipTop? or TiptopCMS? Or a multitude of other interesting words in the thesaurus that will stick out in people's minds...

What about "ProCMS" "professionalCMS" ?

however, Geeklog is Geeklog. no another name that's better than Geeklog.


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It would be wise to keep something from "Geeklog" alive in the new name, as long as there isn't any "geek" or "log" in the name.
So that would be something with "GL" I guess?

But we better do that on a place which is not visible to domaingrabbers...
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Registered: 02/27/03
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As a long time Geeklog user, I've toyed with moving to other systems a few times, but each time decided to stay with Geeklog. After reading this thread, you have convinced me that now is the time to find a new CMS.

Tony outlined several good points why Geeklog has failed or has no real future. He is just one opinion. But, everyone who has tried to support Geeklog in this thread has confirmed what Tony said. I can't believe what I'm reading from those who are trying to promote Geeklog.

Geeklog is not dead but unfortunately we are not the most lively project at the moment.

BTW, when all of that Web 2.0 crap blows over Geeklog will still be here... Yea, that whole Web 2 stuff is just a fad and it will blow over. Thank God I'll have my Geeklog and bell bottoms when its all done!

The community interest has not been what we expected and not very encouraging.

"Branding and looks" is something GL lacks,

Why not change the title to something like "Geeklog isn't dead, but needs a new approach"?

Geeklog's not dead, it's just having a midlife crisis.

There is a general consensus that there are problems and everyone seems to be in agreement that some changes are needed. The best Dirk has to offer is "I'd say with Geeklog's 10th birthday fast approaching, it's time for a new slogan." That's it? You must be kidding, right? Here is a slogan for you. Geeklog - The retro CMS Now you don't need to change a thing on the web site.

Even though there seems to be some interest in renaming, you guys worry me with your ideas.

Nexpro - Name it after a well known drug to fight GERD and stomach ulcers. You should Google these ideas first!

TipTop CMS - This might be the best suggestion...

ProCMS - What's professional about it?

What little leadership there is won't address the issues that are presented. This is the biggest factor in my decision to find another solution. When the project leader becomes so arrogant to ignore the community, there is no point going on...

gdl has the best line in the whole thread:

I think the question should be, "Should Geeklog die?".

In my opinion, Dirk certainly believes it should die, that is the only explanation I can think of that would explain why he is ignoring everyone, including stars of the community like Tony and Blaine.

I'm greatful for what Geeklog provided in the past. But it is now time to move on.


Anonymous Coward

Quote by: jrake

I'm greatful for what Geeklog provided in the past. But it is now time to move on.

So, move on.. why slag it then. Fell better now?
If it provided such little value to you over the years and you feel so strongly against it, you should spend more time researching alternatives.


And you do know you're supposed to use quotes, not italics, right?

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Well, the last two comments didn't really add anything to the discussion. Can we keep this civilized, please?

I do find it interesting to hear why people think it's time for them to move on. Although I think that jrake is jumping to conclusions. What users post in this thread is not necessarily the opinion of the Geeklog Team. And just because I've picked out the slogan (as an example) doesn't mean I'm not taking the others things discussed here seriously.

Admittedly, I was annoyed by the initial post. But there have since been quite a few valuable contributions to this discussion. Keep them coming (and the ad hominem attacks out of here, please).

bye, Dirk

José Carlos

I am choosing a CMS and did not know Geeklog and I was surprised by its funcionality and by its organization versus Joomla that I use at school

It is a pity that the project be dead... I intended start using it...



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Quote by: José Carlos

It is a pity that the project be dead...

It isn't. Also see the current featured story on the front page.

bye, Dirk

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I would just like to say I am new to Geek Log. Mr. Green
Monster Energy Drinks!

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Welcome aboard Goddard Big Grin

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS



I have just read through this forum and I wanted to add my positive comment here.
I am a fairly new user to Geeklog and although I have had a few problems with plugins etc, admittedly some were my own errors, I have received excellent support from the team and the members. I have tried using other programs, but I have not got on with them as well as I have Geeklog. I find Geeklog much easier to use and manage over other programs and I have recommended the program to friends and other people who have visited my site.
I am not a programmer, but I have learnt so much from using the program over the past few months and I hope to learn more in the future.
I plan to keep on supporting Geeklog as I believe in everyone here and even when things do get tough Geeklog continues on.
I look forward to seeing what happens next.


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Registered: 08/19/10
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Location:The Netherlands
I'll just make my first post here ^_~

I'm new to Geeklog and am currently working on building up my own website in it, so yes I've joined the Geeklog bandwagon Smile

In my search for a good CMS/Blog system I've been bouncing back and forth between Wordpress, MODx and Geeklog for a while trying to decide which to use.
In the end I decided to go with Geeklog, below a list with the things that pulled me across:
  • Security. I like the Unix style model, it's familiar and simply works.
  • Build in calendar. It's simple and does it's job perfectly.
  • Links page.
  • CMS and Blog. Both features seem to do what they should, no more no less.
  • Plugins: Forum, DokuWiki integration, CAPTCHA, rating, etc. What more would you need? Smile

Even though things might have been rough in the past it seems that things are getting better, new release plan (twice a year), the new slogan fits the system perfectly (sets Geeklog apart from the others), a new release (1.7.0), etc.

So I guess it's time for some positive propaganda Wink I saw people have updated wikipedia, from my end I've submitted the news of the new release to a Dutch tech site ( www.tweakers.net ) since the last update they posted was 4 years ago (they still have to post the news though, but hopefully they will in a few days).

Overall, the way I see it, Geeklog has had a rough period but from what you can see a.t.m. they are moving forward in a good way :banana:
"The Linux philosophy is 'Laugh in the face of danger'. Oops. Wrong One. 'Do it yourself'. Yes, that's it." - Linus Torvalds


Quote by: 1ynx

I'll just make my first post here ^_~

[*]Security. I like the Unix style model, it's familiar and simply works.
[*]Build in calendar. It's simple and does it's job perfectly.
[*]Links page.
[*]CMS and Blog. Both features seem to do what they should, no more no less.
[*]Plugins: Forum, DokuWiki integration, CAPTCHA, rating, etc. What more would you need? Smile

Overall, the way I see it, Geeklog has had a rough period but from what you can see a.t.m. they are moving forward in a good way :banana:

I am agree with you.

thanks for share




We are using geeklog alomst 6 or 7years, and geeklog is briliant, simple, stable,....
On our page we make some modification on design (mostly in static pagest), like you can see (www.pozitivke.net).

I have also some portals in joomla but if i compare joomla with geeklog, geeklog have a lot of advantages.

But also some deficiencies, and they are
. Geeklog should have na new templates
similar joomla, wp, ....

i realy dont know where is a problem to do one or two up to date templates ???
we need yust to have diferend first side

Most of all i miss slideshow wich i so also in GLfusion. Youst question whay you don't work with GLfusion to make a bether design for Geeklog.

We could do a poll and together choose two or three joomla template wich we want to pass on geeklog. Afret that we could colect the money and you adjust them.

For my opinion, something like that is not so dificul to make for geeklog, clearly we talking about first page.

if you do not do anything on design, we will probably start losing customers and thats is realy not good for geeklog.

Netx is categorization of plugins, which is completely opaque within it is a long-time users do not find ourselves-
A lot of good plugins is made, but simply you can find it.
Is hard to categorise to similar system as that of the joomla?
like http://extensions.joomla.org/

And calendar should have some changes, first is that we should add picture in event?

Here are just a few suggestions, but if we arrange at least this was done very, very much.

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@ Ales: Maybe you want to open new threads for each of your ideas like themes, slide show etc.? There are certainly people who would discuss this with you.

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