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Getting Geeklog back into Wikipedia?

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So I see that there once was a Geeklog article in Wikipedia (as announced here initially) that has since been deleted.

Anyone else think it would be worth trying to get Geeklog back into Wikipedia?

But before you rush out and start a new article, let's collect our thoughts for a moment.

Looking at the criteria for deletion, we failed the notability requirement, among other things. So a starting point would be to collect books, articles, and other sources referencing to Geeklog. The only remaining mention of Geeklog in Wikipedia is the article about Groklaw, which could also be used as a reference.

Archive.org has an old copy of the article. I have to admit it does read a bit like typical marketing material, so I can understand why it could even be considered to be spamish. A new article should probably try a more neutral tone.

Anyone familiar with the workings of the Wikipedia deletion process who may be able to share some insights?

bye, Dirk

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Anyone familiar with the workings of the Wikipedia deletion process who may be able to share some insights?

You said it yourself and there's no way around it: don't even make one single line without adding a reference in the end. Any line without a reference is not a good line and anyone has the right to delete it. The English Wikipedia is by definition a summary of reliable sources. Original research is forbidden (it's true that lots of articles ignore this rule, but that's why each of their unreferenced lines - or the articles themselves - can be deleted at any given moment. And there was never a more living proof than Geeklog!).

Note you're totally free to use the same references multiple times, as long as you don't push the envelope by basing the entire article on the same 2-3 references.

I suggest you make an article in your own wiki and only move it to Wikipedia after you have a reference for every line. They won't delete it then. I said "move" and not "copy", because otherwise you'd end up with two different copies, which would be confusing.

For example:

[infobox goes here]

This is the intro line. [1] This is the second line [2]. The third line again uses the first reference. [1]

This is the first line of Geeklog's history. [3] This is the second line of Geeklog's history. [2] This is the third line of Geeklog's history. [4]

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Geeklog is still in the fr.wikipedia.org and I will update informations if we need it.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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First thing GL should be added here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems

And if you compare with Drupal
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drupal or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joomla!

then you see the necessary and probably useful structure of such an article and what not to do.

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I suggest to read my post instead. Those 3 articles are full of notifications and warnings. XOOPS especially is in the same state Geeklog was (i.e. not even a single reference). All it takes is one editor to ask for deletion. They just happened not to have such an editor.

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Dan Stoner

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I'd like to see Geeklog back in Wikipedia!

Let's start with the logo... it seems that it should be uploaded to the WikiMedia Commons site so it can be used anywhere. Do we know the author / copyright info? As artwork WikiMedia prefers to have copyright info (rather than licensing info such as GPL). If the logo is released under a Creative Commons license it makes things much easier.

I've started looking at the other content management system articles listed here:


I'd like to try and get Geeklog back in this list and I think we can find enough external references to do it.


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Quote by: Dan+Stoner

Let's start with the logo... it seems that it should be uploaded to the WikiMedia Commons site so it can be used anywhere. Do we know the author / copyright info?

The logo was created by SImon Lord and he handed over the copyright to the Geeklog Team.

I'll look into getting the logo up there with an appropriate license. Thanks for the pointer.

Quote by: Dan+Stoner

I'd like to try and get Geeklog back in this list and I think we can find enough external references to do it.

Don't forget to mention the Geeklog book, written by the geeklog.jp community 8)

bye, Dirk

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Dan Stoner

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Quote by: Dirk Don't forget to mention the Geeklog book, written by the geeklog.jp community 8)

It never hurts to be Big in Japan!

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Dan Stoner

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And actually, super cool would be if there are any Japanese speaking folks here (or even some who own the book?) who could give some quotes and citations, that's like real stuff that has been published and is in-print.

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Quote by: Dan+Stoner

And actually, super cool would be if there are any Japanese speaking folks here (or even some who own the book?) who could give some quotes and citations, that's like real stuff that has been published and is in-print.

Try contacting Ivy. She's one of the driving forces behind the book and geeklog.jp

I mean, I have a copy of the book but I can't read a thing Mr. Green But joking aside, it really looks impressive.

bye, Dirk

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Dan Stoner

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Quote by: Dirk
Try contacting Ivy. She's one of the driving forces behind the book and geeklog.jp

Great tip! Message sent.

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So how goes the quest?
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Dan Stoner

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I received no reply from Ivy (I contacted her by email).

The Geeklog logo does not yet seem to be in the Wikimedia Commons.

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Quote by: Dan+Stoner

The Geeklog logo does not yet seem to be in the Wikimedia Commons.

Mea culpa. It's there now:


I just hope I did everything correctly - there's a lot of scary language on the upload form :shock:

bye, Dirk

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Dan Stoner

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Thanks Dirk, it looks great!

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Quote by: Dirk
Try contacting Ivy. She's one of the driving forces behind the book and geeklog.jp

Great tip! Message sent.

Dan Stoner,
I’m sorry. I can't found the mail.

logo and character download:

Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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This is an article on the Geeklog book published in Japan.

Outline translation fellows.

"A Guide for Geeklog, free CMS" was published. You will have detailed introduction on Geeklog 1.4.1.

Gijutsu Hyoronsha, a publisher's introductions on web

You can buy at http://www.amazon.co.jp/%EF%BD%A1CMS-Geeklog%EF%BD%B0%EF%BD%A5%EF%BD%AC%EF%BD%A4-Geeklog-Japanese/dp/4774130494/sr=8-1/qid=1171353690/ref=sr_1_1/503-2691033-7888733?ie=UTF8&amp;s=books<br /> and several more web shop.

author/translator: Geeklog Japanese
publisher: Gijutsu Hyoron Sha (ISBN?978-4-7741-3049-1)
published on: March 1set, 2007.
price: JPY2,919 tax included

Used a lot of charts & images for your better understanding.

==sample page images==

total: 320 pages

Chapter1:What is Geeklog?
Chapter2:installation guides for several servers
Chapter3:how to manage- customizations you can try soon after installation
Chapter4:how to operate: daily operation and how users attend Geeklog sites
Chapter5:Geeklog customize as the first attempt
Chapter6:developer's documents
Appendix FAQ/words

Geeklog Japanese
A team manages Geeklog Japan official web. Corresponding with Geeklog.net, providing support, download services, seminar, make documetns on Geeklog in order to spread Geeklog Japanese version.

=introduction of Japanese authors/translators=
=introduction of Geeklog.net authors=

Maybe translation for http://www.gihyo.co.jp/books/978-4-7741-3049-1 would be proper as an summery of the book contents for en.wikipedia. Pls wait for my next post.

Meanwhile, ja.wikipedia has a page for Geeklog. This is a great work by Ivy and others.

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translation of http://www.gihyo.co.jp/books/978-4-7741-3049-1

Introduction of how to install, manage and operate Geeklog, an open source CMS enables your web one step better easily. Geeklog is a CMS with blog features. Once you install our standard package, you will have a site with Web2.0, SEO, trackback and ready for multi-language. Mobile site is established automatically as well.

Full of features but its operation is intuitive and small load on servers. Enjoyable for programmers because of its expandability. Many designers & webmasters are interested in as well.

-web designer, director & producer
-enterprize, governmental organization, non-profitable organization
-bloggers wishing to make the site better with own domain
-those who plan CMS site with UTF-8
-those who plan mobile site
-those who wish to OPERATE web by themselves
-those who consider multi-language site
-those who operate community site
-web designers & planners with headaches for user support
-security minded people

from author:
Once you install Geeklog and make PC site, mobile site is established and updateboth site simulataniously. Using UTF-8, multi-language site can be made very easy. Because of its blog engine inside, very good for SEO.
This book offers characteristics, install, management, operation, customization & developper's decuments of Geeklog 1.4.1, the latest version. Geeklog was developped for security geeks. Get one of this book and try.
Please help us of open source activities as well.


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Dan Stoner

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I have not had a chance to look at this for a while... sorry for the delay.

I put my head into it again but started to get bummed about the prospects as I read more of the wikipedia posting guidelines:


BUT THEN.... I found Google book search!


Geeklog was mentioned (rightly so!) in a number of published books especially on web content development, blogging, etc.

I'm starting to put an article together. Not sure when I'll have it ready and in wiki format, but I feel much better about "notability" when Geeklog is mentioned side-by-side with Drupal and Wordpress in print books and magazines.

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Thanks a lot for your efforts, Dan.

If you think it would help, you could also put your draft on the Geeklog Wiki, e.g. for collaboration or public review.

bye, Dirk

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