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Another issue that could cause delays is 1.5. The initial release of my calendar update will be for 1.4.1. I expect to release for 1.4.1 and then shortly after that release again for 1.5. There are features in 1.5 that I will need to recode -- the config stuff, the after save stuff and the CSRF protection stuff are among those I can think of at the moment. I've restructured a lot of the GUI code and it is not a simple copy and paste to use those features.

Also, the only language file that will work is the English file. Hopefully when I release a beta, folks interested in other language files will take the time to send me upgraded language files.

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It's been almost a month since the last post, are we about ready to go live at least with 1.4.1?

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It's not ready.


Hay it's any posible when that will bee ready to have a picture upload like we have that in article?

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That was not among the features requested. Sorry. Maybe in the future.

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Is there anything I can do to assist with the development of this plugin? I am anxious to get the new version installed and working. I am hoping that features such as recurring and notification are there.
MuntadaNet, Inc.
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Since it's been over a year since the Bounties started going up for the Calendar Plugin and we still don't even have a Alpha let alone a Beta and Jmucchiello isn't answering posts any longer, I think it's about time we call this project abandoned.

If something doesn't appear by the end of July which is only a few days away I say it's time to start refunding the bounties, I know I could use the cash with with college tuition starting up for my kid, 35 year class reunion, home and car repairs and of course the dreaded GAS prices. Maybe I can fill my tank once or twice.

I wish this would have happened. I was looking forward to a nice Calendar Plugin.

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Quote by: ronack


Since it's been over a year since the Bounties started going up for the Calendar Plugin and we still don't even have a Alpha let alone a Beta and Jmucchiello isn't answering posts any longer, I think it's about time we call this project abandoned.

You have access to my test site, don't you? I didn't see the post on the 5th. Maybe you should email me when you have concerns. Or just login to the test website and post there.
If something doesn't appear by the end of July which is only a few days away I say it's time to start refunding the bounties, I know I could use the cash with with college tuition starting up for my kid, 35 year class reunion, home and car repairs and of course the dreaded GAS prices. Maybe I can fill my tank once or twice.

I wish this would have happened. I was looking forward to a nice Calendar Plugin.[/p]
I'm truly sorry my wife had the audacity to suffer multiple illnesses and 4 hospital visits over the last year. If you want your money back, go right ahead and ask for it. But it's not up to you to cancel everyone else's bounty.

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Actually no I don't have your test site but I think I've been there but there was nothing to download and test.

I understand about the illnesses and I am truly sorry about that. However you gave indications that you were back to work on it and that something was coming soon, that was March.

Quote by: jmucchiello

I am a couple days away from uploading recurring events to my test site. It is not full featured but I am not happy with the form's layout and want some opinions. Once that is online I'll go back and fix the stuff recurring events broke (daily event views, personal calendars, feeds, and the phpblock) and then hopefully we'll be ready for a broader beta to shake out the remaining bugs.

Still no release date. But I expect to have it downloadable for others to test (the new functionality, the installer, and hopefully someone will update the language files) in the coming few weeks. Once it is released I expect to take some time away from it to finish a few other things I've been putting off. Then I'll go back and add some features that weren't bountied.

I know you want this as your baby and I know what happens when you help someone out and then don't get credit for it. I guess you take a chances on that. People have offered to help it along. I don't know if they were serious offers and I know I'm not good enough to offer so I'll go ahead and wait it out... I'm just not going to wait forever. I would like to see you get your money for it.

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Quote by: ronack

Actually no I don't have your test site but I think I've been there but there was nothing to download and test.

I understand about the illnesses and I am truly sorry about that. However you gave indications that you were back to work on it and that something was coming soon, that was March.

At which time I posted the third Alpha test version. Just because you haven't logged in since August doesn't mean nothing has happened since August. If the code were in a state where folks could install it, I'd make it available.

Quote by: jmucchiello

I am a couple days away from uploading recurring events to my test site. It is not full featured but I am not happy with the form's layout and want some opinions. Once that is online I'll go back and fix the stuff recurring events broke (daily event views, personal calendars, feeds, and the phpblock) and then hopefully we'll be ready for a broader beta to shake out the remaining bugs.

Still no release date. But I expect to have it downloadable for others to test (the new functionality, the installer, and hopefully someone will update the language files) in the coming few weeks. Once it is released I expect to take some time away from it to finish a few other things I've been putting off. Then I'll go back and add some features that weren't bountied.

Also, right after I made that update, my wife went back into the hospital. And since then she went in yet another time. I sucks. RL is like that.

I know you want this as your baby and I know what happens when you help someone out and then don't get credit for it. I guess you take a chances on that. People have offered to help it along. I don't know if they were serious offers and I know I'm not good enough to offer so I'll go ahead and wait it out... I'm just not going to wait forever. I would like to see you get your money for it.

With the bills I have, so would I. At the risk of my wife's health (since she seems to get sick when I post an update), I have done one thing that I wasn't planning to do and that is give up on 1.4.1 support. The reason is because upgrading GL from 1.4.1 to 1.5 would break my version of the plugin. So rather than figure out how to survive the GL upgrade, I'm just abandoning 1.4.1 support for now. This means I'm now integrating the Conifg, CSRF and afterSave stuff into my code. The recurring code has a couple annoying bugs I need time to iron out that I just haven't had in a while.

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Giving up on 1.4.1 support is a sound decision. I can't see why with all the great features in 1.5.0 why someone who would take the time to update their plugin, wouldn't also want to take the plunge to update their code to 1.5.0. Frankly speaking, I had just about assumed your updated plugin was going to be in 1.5.0.

So, if you are looking for a second, or here-here, then you got it from me.

On another serious note, my deepest and most sincere prayers and support is with you and your wife. I can't imagine the anguish and disruption the illness has caused you, your wife, and your family.

God speed.
MuntadaNet, Inc.
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I haven't upgraded to 1.5 yet. I tried to be it didn't work, it just wouldn't upgrade anything. So if there is nothing for 1.4.1 then I'm hosed until I can figure out why I can't get it upgraded.

J -
Oh and just because I haven't posted anything here doesn't mean I haven't been here. What is your site so I can download an Alpha version.

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No matter what you deal with, upgrades are a tough process. Geeklog has been no exception to that rule. The unfortunate part, until 1.5.0, the upgrade process was riddled with a lot of unnecessary work. For example, the configuration file. If there were additions to the config file to support new capabilities you would have to do a diff on the file, figure it out, and then bring over your customizations. By having everything go into the database, all that becomes a thing of the past now.

I'm not Geeklog support but I do urge you to work the guys that know better and reap the benefits of 1.5.0. Plus it will make Jay happy so he can just concentrate on his 1.5.0 code. The poor guy has gone through too much this year. I know how it is when you have a bad year.

MuntadaNet, Inc.
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