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Help with G2Bridge, please

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Registered: 10/06/04
Posts: 21
One of the reasons I held off using GL for the past two years was because of it's rather sterile look. There are lots of skins available, but most dont really do it for me. I know there are lot of people who will take offense at that and none is intended. I love GL. And if I had the time to learn how to write plugins and skins like some of you do, I would. But life is not that generous with my time. So I work with what is available, struggling to dabble with a line or two of code at a time.

Chameleon actually was the first thing I saw that made GL appear the way I really liked it. That is why I ran with it. I think the concept is awesome, and as they guys get the bugs worked out, it is really going to set GL a bunch of notches higher in popularity. I hope that things come along quickly with Chameleon.

Suprsidr, your help has been fantastic. I think I have a fully operational Gallery2 embedded in GL now. I have more tests to run, and still really have to learn the ins and outs of Gallery2. But G2Bridge is doing well and I am off and running.....if not skinned the way I would like, but definitely running.

Thanks so much,


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Quote by: Ddr

I think I may have found the smoking gun for the 500 errors I have discovered so far when I use the ecard function or click on the Admin link.

My default skin is created by the Chameleon plugin. I had this active and Chameleon selected in my user control panel within GL when I was getting these errors. On a whim, I went back to the Professional skin through my user control panel and I stopped getting the 500 errors on these two items. I have not done any more tests to see what else is or isn't working, depending on which theme I select.

Looks like I have to bring this over to the Chameleon's developer forum. Sorry Eric *chuckles* And you thought you got rid of me.


No worries Dale! If you haven't already, go ahead and post your remaining issues in the Chameleon support forum. While I am more of the CSS guy, Mark is the PHP expert on all the function goodness that makes Chameleon possible. I'm sure he'll have some answers for ya beyond my limited coding knowledge. Big Grin


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