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Catalog Plugin for GeekLog 1.4.1
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I got this error
2 - move_uploaded_file(/Library/WebServer/lightspace/geeklog//catalog/images/dl.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /Library/WebServer/lightspace/Documents/admin/plugins/catalog/index.php line 373
I am looking for the path error but the path is held in a variable.
Also the plugin tells me I have version 1.0.0 installed but version 1.0.1 code and it asks me to upgrade but when I do it gives an error...
Picture Upload error...
I got this error
2 - move_uploaded_file(/Library/WebServer/lightspace/geeklog//catalog/images/dl.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /Library/WebServer/lightspace/Documents/admin/plugins/catalog/index.php line 373
I am looking for the path error but the path is held in a variable.
Also the plugin tells me I have version 1.0.0 installed but version 1.0.1 code and it asks me to upgrade but when I do it gives an error...
You've got two slashes in the address. That path variable is going to be located in the /admin/index.php file.
There isn't an upgrade. I think that's a typo on my part. There are still a few bits of code from the orignal basis of the plugin (FAQ). Open the plugin/catalog/config.php file and change the version to 1.0.0.
Currently the code is like this..
but it should be something like this
this is all I have there
if (isset ($_GET['mode']) && ($_GET['mode'] == 'logout')) {
print COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=logout');
print COM_refresh($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php');
Hmm I think the problem is the path variable should it not be Site_url ? however if I change to site url an error says the wrapper does not support this action... ???
Currently the code is like this..
but it should be something like this
You're right, that's where it's getting it from.
Because it's uploading to the server it has to be 'path' or GeekLog and PHP disagree on how to handle it.
Hmm I think the problem is the path variable should it not be Site_url ? however if I change to site url an error says the wrapper does not support this action... ???
Currently the code is like this..
but it should be something like this
You're right, that's where it's getting it from.
Because it's uploading to the server it has to be 'path' or GeekLog and PHP disagree on how to handle it.
but my variable $_CONF['path'] points to the geeklog diectory i.e ......geeklog/config.php
which is not the same as my public_html path and this is the problem...
Hmm I think the problem is the path variable should it not be Site_url ? however if I change to site url an error says the wrapper does not support this action... ???
Currently the code is like this..
but it should be something like this
You're right, that's where it's getting it from.
Because it's uploading to the server it has to be 'path' or GeekLog and PHP disagree on how to handle it.
but my variable $_CONF['path'] points to the geeklog diectory i.e ......geeklog/config.php
which is not the same as my public_html path and this is the problem...
Ah, I see. The change it to ['path_html'] instead of ['path'].
Should the path not always be path_html as the catalogue images folder will be in there ?
I imagine this is a show stopper for a lot of people.
Great Plugin, i have already hacked it about a lot for a sponsorship plugin and it looks good....
I now wish to link things like Media gallery albums and other area's to the sponsorship items (records) and I think it will be complete.
Thanks for your efforts I have been tying to hand code something like this as an external feature for my site for weeks.....Months....
And that sorted it out !
Should the path not always be path_html as the catalogue images folder will be in there ?
Yeah, I've already changed it in my stored files. I still need to make a few more changes and updates before I zip it up and upload it though. Hopefully, by the end of the week.
And that sorted it out !
Should the path not always be path_html as the catalogue images folder will be in there ?
Yeah, I've already changed it in my stored files. I still need to make a few more changes and updates before I zip it up and upload it though. Hopefully, by the end of the week.
Wow great I'll stop hacking and wait for your update...
No database changes necessary, just overwrite the files on your server.
trampoline - You've already made most of the corrections and changes, so all you'll need to overwrite is the api.inc file under plugins/catalog/ with the file in the new zip.
I am on my merry way hacking the plugin, i would likean Image (25%) size displayed on the category listings I have done this....
Which displays the file name and does not display the title, I am trying to get one better and display the image not the file name and hopefuly I would like an image diplayed at only 25% of it's actual size...
Any help greatly appreciated.
It installs in my geeklog 1.5.1, I settle without problems, I can enter the category of example from the block that adds this plugins to me, but when entering the administrative part it appears to me an error…
for example in my www.domaind.com/admin/plugins/catalog/index.php .. preview this message ...
verifying I have this in my log' s…
Language "spanish" not found in $_CONF['language_files'] array!
I see last message, but the file spanish.php if exist in my language plugins .. :-/
what could be the problem?
Grettings !!

**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::
Hi !!
It installs in my geeklog 1.5.1, I settle without problems, I can enter the category of example from the block that adds this plugins to me, but when entering the administrative part it appears to me an error…
for example in my www.domaind.com/admin/plugins/catalog/index.php .. preview this message ...
verifying I have this in my log' s…
Language "spanish" not found in $_CONF['language_files'] array!
I see last message, but the file spanish.php if exist in my language plugins .. :-/
what could be the problem?
Grettings !!

In my very limited experience, 1.5.* works through paths differently than 1.4.*. It looks to me like it's having a "path" issue. It seems to me that it's looking in the SQL database for the proper path to the Spanish language file and not finding it. My suggestion is to look in the SQL database and correct the path or move a copy of the file into the directory the database thinks it should be in.
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