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GL_Gallery2 Plugin no images??

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Location:Champaign, Illinois
stolidus, you can set gallery2 to embed mode only in gallery2/config.php
look for line $gallery->setConfig('mode.embed.only', false);
and set to true.

Also remember in GL_Gallery2 config
// Allow anonymous users to see the random photo block
$_G2B_CONF['allow_anon_access_random_photo'] = true;

// Allow anonynmous users to access the gallery
$_G2B_CONF['allow_anon_access_gallery'] = true;

And you can stop albums from showing up in the random photoblock by editing the album in gallery.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Well, stepped back and went over evrything recommended. The embed mode was something I missed. I kept thinking that I needed to lock that gallery2 page down. That's not a prob anymore, sweet.

When I take away permission for everybody to view images then the anonymous user can not access my site because the random photo block is causing a redirect to the user file.

If I disable the random photo block, the problem goes away.

The random photo block is an important feature for a certaian group or groups, but the random photo block is set to only show up for those groups. ie 'family' 'friends'

I do not want Jo Schmo reg. usr to have access to pics of my kids and what not.

Well, I could just manually delete Jo Schmo from the Gallery2 usr file. I tried that even tho I could see it was no fix for the long term when new usrs would be signing up regularly, what a nightmare that would be. That is why we have group permissions, right?

When I delete Jo Schmo's Gallery2 account and leave his geeklog acct active, he 'Jo' still has the Gallery2 usr function available in the usr function block, and when Jo clicks that link he gets the following:

Reinit failed: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 22

* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclassesGalleryStorageDatabaseStorage.class at line 2121 (GalleryStatus::error)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclassesGalleryStorageDatabaseStorage.class at line 305 (DatabaseStorage::_identifyEntities)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclassesGalleryStorage.class at line 118 (DatabaseStorage::loadEntities)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclasseshelpersGalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (GalleryStorage::loadEntities)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclasseshelpersGalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 141 (GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntitiesById)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclassesGalleryCoreApi.class at line 2225 (GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntityByExternalId)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclassesGalleryEmbed.class at line 184 (GalleryCoreApi::loadEntityByExternalId)
* in C:wwwwebrootgallery2modulescoreclassesGalleryEmbed.class at line 94 (GalleryEmbed::checkActiveUser)
* in C:wwwgeeklog-1.4.0sr1pluginsGL_Gallery2functions.inc at line 711 (GalleryEmbed::init)
* in C:wwwwebrootGL_Gallery2index.php at line 67

In the above, Jo now has a map of files and easy access to evrything in those files.

I would like to be able to remove the Gallery 2 usr function from those usrs that have no business using it.

What I'm really after is to be able to set restrictive permissions on albums and still be able to use the random photo block for certain groups of registered users. So, the gallery would be open for use to the community, but users would not have to share thier personal photos with Jo Schmo who they don't know and/or trust. So, anyone in the group 'family' would see the random block containing pics they can relate to...and others would simply be able to acces thier own albums or those for which they have permission.

I guess I would just like users to be able to restrict access to thier albums and pics but still be able to allow or disallow a thumbnail image on the random photo block. In the process not affecting the ability for new or anonymous traffic to the site to be unaffected.

If anyone has read this far, sugesstions and/or help would be much appreciated. Thanks again.


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Location:Champaign, Illinois
Why don't you create some public galleries for anon to see.
And put all your other non-public albums into say a members album, and lock that down to registered users only.
Also in the block editor you could set the random image block to logged in only if you don't want anon to see it.
and don't forget the settings in GL_Gallery2's own config for anon users.

We have a similar system that you speak of at http://dev.neven57.com

Member albums are created on the fly, but they appear in the members album as sub-albums. Members have total control over their own albums. But since they are created under the members parent album, they have the default permissions of the parent album.

Hope this helps

Also, I have the code to generate a link to the current logged in users own gallery.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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Registered: 03/07/06
Posts: 14
Thank you, Suprsidr. I really appreciate all the help. I found that users could only see the thumbs and I threw a watermark on those. So, only family and friends can get the resize and originals. That will work. The community will still be able to use the gallery service which is cool. Thanks again.

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