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Making Geeklog Multilingual

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Yes, they do...if your story ends with _ln.

Like I've said, it's not mandatory because not all stories are written in more than one languages. In cases where they're not, you'd redirect people into 404 pages!

Besides, it's unlikely someone would go directly into a story. They would usually go into a topic or in the front page first.

Euan, it's ok if you don't, but why don't you post instead in your dedicated topic that's even called after your name? You can keep it an updated topic about changes in your page.


And I recommed you again to use language(), 0, 2)) so it would be compatible with languages.php .

is this the problem that I have only 2 languages? I still don't quite get it.
And I would like to use multilingual so much
praying it will work
and I will not switch to mambojumbo!

The other thing is that I still would like to know if there also would be a way to make the block titles multiling?

Thank you guys so much for your help!

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What you quoted has nothing to do with your situation. LWC was talking to me regarding the menu bar customization.

As LWC said, there is no artificial intelligence in the codes.

All you need is follow his instructions, in the first three posts, and make sure you follow it exactly what he said. Don't try to skip a single letter.


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samstone said it best. Also, learn a lesson from samstone and make sure you don't use Euan's hack and mine at the same time...

If you lost all hope, would you consider paying so I'd do it for you?

As for block titles, what I do is generally disable block titles (by commenting them out in the left/right blocks' templates) and then hack Geeklog to add titles to specific blocks that really demand titles.


Thanks for your advice, both of you! I will incorporate it very soon or get back to you...

The last couple of days I was busy with something else.


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First of all, I'd like to let everyone know I have this hack working 100% in Geeklog v1.4. I've told you it makes no difference. So forget about using that as an escuse anymore!

Secondly, I've upgraded switchlang.php so I encourage you all to do the same.Read the FAQ

The improvements:
+ You can now use direct links for your site that force up a language (via the same cookie but bypassing the form)!
See the starting notes/checklist post to see an example!

+ Where there's no referrer or it's external (using the new direct links), it would take the visitor to your main page, but this time I've made sure there's a "/" in the end.
It matters for those of you whose sites don't use your root folders.
See, it would now use "http://yourdomain.com/yoursite/" instead of "http://yourdomain.com/yoursite", because the latter could cause troubles if, for example, your domain was pointed to an external host.

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Reactiing on the sudden demise of $_CONF['cookie_lastvisit'] by the hands Geeklog v1.4, I've changed
in function phpblock_language() in system/lib-custom.php .

It means of course the only way to make the "cookies needed" message go away is to switch a language, which means people using the default language would have to switch and then switch back to make it go away.

But in Geeklog v1.4 the only ever present cookies are language and theme, so I see no better way.

Of course, it will also go away if you just use the new direct (cookie setting) links (see previous post).

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After careful testing, I've confirmed that this code does not work with the Chinese language names at they are now:

I had to change it to:

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Haven't we been through this before? Your problem is not with the languages, but with your own keywords. You just can't use the same keyword twice (i.e. "ch").
[QUOTE Just make sure your languages.php looks like:
$_languages = array (
'ch_t' => 'Chinese Traditional',
'ch_s' => 'Chinese Simplified'

$_languagefiles = array (
'ch_t' => 'chinese_traditional_utf-8',
'ch_s' => 'chinese_simplified_utf-8'
And make sure your topics' IDs, etc. end with ch_t and ch_s when needed.

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Yes, we've been through this before, and you've proven you were right, and that's why this time, I thought it would be an easy job. But, I went crazy after setting up the codes exactly they way it was instructed and it didn't work, until I remember last time I had the file names changed.

Of course, I am not stupid enough to use the same key word twice. I use 'tr' and 'si'. I tested in many ways you can imagine. It worked only after the first two letters match the id.

Anyway, I'll leave the mystery for the future. For now, I am glad that it works.


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One of my sites suddenly went down with the following error. I guess it has to do with the multilingual part.

Wed Mar 1 16:12:06 2006 - 1030: Got error 122 from table handler. SQL in question: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN s.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.date) as day, u.username, u.fullname, u.photo, t.topic, t.imageurl FROM gl_stories as s, gl_users as u, gl_topics as t WHERE (s.uid = u.uid) AND (s.tid = t.tid) AND (date = 2) AND (s.tid IN ('General','News_en','News_sp','General_en','Archives_en','General_sp')) ORDER BY featured DESC, date DESC LIMIT 0, 5


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I've never hacked this line and in the lines I did hack I always just wrote "LIKE %_ln".

However, I've taken the time to search for this line and traced it in public_html/index.php (way below my hack there). I suggest you check the different "$sql .=" lines. I believe you've messed up one of them.

I think I should start charging you...

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Problem solved. It was my server's /temp files exceeding quota. MySQL sock is in that directory, so it ended up having no room to process sql commands.



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