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Adding dynamic meta data to stories

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The hack worked as of 1.4.0. Since then, lots of changes have been made to Geeklog. My Geeklog has lots of hacks I have made and does not resemble the latest version of GL.

However, as of GL 1.3.9 and 1.4.0, the hack should work. It would require some PHP skills probably to hack up the latest version of GL. I don't have to the time to download the standard edition of GL and hack it up.




I want to integrate this hack to may Geeklog 1.40sr5.
Are there any new Infomations , or a solution? Confused

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I have the latest geeklog and I wonder if we can do something like that

when you are writing a story you can add somewhere in the story window like we add [image1] we can add [description_here you write meta description for this page]
and also you can add [keywords_where you can add keywords]

is that possible

also this stuff must be included into future versions, it is a must have a prioroty no1 because other CMS like Joomla has that and I do not wanna switch to joomla just fo that

so is this hack working with latest version of joomla and can you set the description and keywords only for one page and not for all of them?

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Quote by ByteEnable: Insert two rows into your gl_stories table of your geeklog database:
"meta_description" with a type of text, NULL
"meta_keywords" with a type of text, NULL

config.php, add:
Text Formatted Code

$_CONF['meta_description'] = "The coolest website ever!";
$_CONF['meta_keywords'] = "my,keywords,rank,high,in,google";


header.thtml, add the following somewhere in the "head":
Text Formatted Code

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="{meta_description}">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="{meta_keywords}">


storyeditor.thtml, add the following above intro_text:
Text Formatted Code

  <td valign="top" align="right">Meta Desc:</td>
  <td><textarea name="meta_description" cols="60" rows="2">{story_meta_description}</textarea></td>
  <td valign="top" align="right">Meta Keywords:</td>
  <td><textarea name="meta_keywords" cols="60" rows="2">{story_meta_keywords}</textarea></td>


article.php, modify the COM_siteHeader (around line 150) function call:
Text Formatted Code

$display .= COM_siteHeader ('menu', $pagetitle, $rdf,$A['meta_description'],$A['meta_keywords']);


lib-common.php, modify the COM_siteHeader function:
Text Formatted Code

function COM_siteHeader( $what = 'menu', $pagetitle = '', $headercode = '',$meta_desc='',$meta_key='')

around line 579 or so add:

if ( !empty($meta_desc))
  $_CONF['meta_description'] = $meta_desc;
if ( !empty($meta_key))
  $_CONF['meta_keywords'] = $meta_key;


story.php, add the following around 579:
Text Formatted Code


modify the submitstory function with meta data:

function submitstory($type='',$sid,$uid,$tid,$title,$introtext,$bodytext,$hits,$unixdate,$expiredate,$comments,$featured,$commentcode,$trackbackcode,$statuscode,$postmode,$frontpage,$draft_flag,$numemails,$owner_id,$group_id,$perm_owner,$perm_group,$perm_members,$perm_anon,$delete,$show_topic_icon,$meta_description,$meta_keywords,$old_sid)

just before the DB_save call in function submitstory add:
$meta_description = addslashes($meta_description);

Modify the DB_save with the meta data:
DB_save ($_TABLES['stories'],'sid,uid,tid,title,introtext,bodytext,hits,date,comments,related,featured,commentcode,
perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon,show_topic_icon,in_transit,meta_description,meta_keywords', "'$sid',$uid,'$tid','$title','$introtext','$bodytext',$hits,FROM_UNIXTIME($unixdate),'$comments','$related',$featured,'$commentcode','$trackbackcode','$statuscode',FROM_UNIXTIME($expiredate),'$postmode','$frontpage',$draft_flag,$numemails,$owner_id,$group_id,$perm_owner,$perm_group,$perm_members,$perm_anon,$show_topic_icon,1,'$meta_description','$meta_keywords'");

around line 1100 or so add the meta data:
COM_applyFilter ($_POST['show_topic_icon']), <- dont add this

COM_stripslashes ($_POST['meta_description']),
COM_stripslashes ($_POST['meta_keywords']),

COM_applyFilter ($_POST['old_sid'])); <- dont add this


can somebody be more precise how to insert a new row into table

i opened the gl_stories and then press insert and theree are so many fields there

which one to fill

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anybody please

can someone tell me how to add a table in database?

Quote by ByteEnable: Insert two rows into your gl_stories table of your geeklog database:
"meta_description" with a type of text, NULL
"meta_keywords" with a type of text, NULL

And is it working for 1.405 sr2 version

what about for the following 1.4.1??

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Is this possible still under the latest distro ?


How about implementing this in glFusion, what's the process? I belive some filenames are changed within the new system. So - now what? Any ideas on "simple dublin core" integration, only for articles, when submitting - publishing?

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i have just started using page title in meta description which i called from the header.html

which code for your appraoch as well, look good.
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I can see that Joomla enables to enter metadata within article entry, why wouldn't you include that into the new release of glFusion (I reccomend simpleDC as mentioned)?

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yes thats is why I am using Joomla instead of geeklog

Dirk still claims meta tags are snake oil and not needed, sorry dirk but you posted that 1 year ago or so.

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Quote from the Official Google Webmaster Blog:
And it's worth noting that while accurate meta descriptions can improve clickthrough, they won't affect your ranking within search results.

If you're no so stupid to put a static centerblok with a not relevant H1 header and not relevant text on top of your stories, Google will show the first lines of your latest story in the search results, so that's quite OK. Google will do that even if your left column come first in the source code

Do not focus on that stupid meta tags, these are important:

- site name
- topic names
- story titles
- story ID's
- content of your stories
- proper use of H1/H2/H3/H4 tags for the storytitles and subtitles, not for blocks or blocktitles
- clean, semantic HTML code, without tables and loads of javascripts
- no duplicate content
- lots of relevant backlinks with a proper anchortext

Unique, well written content, and a proper display of your content, is always the most important!

PS I wanted to post the url to the webmaster blog, but the spamfilter didn't allow it...

The rest is not so important. You better make some time to polish your content and backlinks instead of worrying about a meta description.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Quote by: beewee

Quote from the Official Google Webmaster Blog:

And it's worth noting that while accurate meta descriptions can improve clickthrough, they won't affect your ranking within search results.

... Do not focus on that stupid meta tags, these are important:

- site name
- topic names
- story titles
- story ID's
- content of your stories
- proper use of H1/H2/H3/H4 tags for the storytitles and subtitles, not for blocks or blocktitles
- clean, semantic HTML code, without tables and loads of javascripts
- no duplicate content
- lots of relevant backlinks with a proper anchortext

Unique, well written content, and a proper display of your content, is always the most important!

PS I wanted to post the url to the webmaster blog, but the spamfilter didn't allow it...

The rest is not so important. You better make some time to polish your content and backlinks instead of worrying about a meta description.

I'm sorry, but I just have to jump in here and state that "stupid meta tags" are very important, for one key reason: search engines are used by people.

What is the point of SEO, anyway? Yes, you want the search engines to place your site high on the listings for your targeted keywords, but the ultimate win for SEO is a clickthrough by an actual person. As you pointed out, the Google Webmaster Blog states that meta tags will not improve your ranking within search results, they "can improve clickthrough."

Meta descriptions are very important, not for search engines, but for people. You can have your page listed in the top ten listings for your relevant keywords, but if your description is the same for every page on your site (as is the case with every standard install of Geeklog), you have less of a chance that a person looking for your targeted keyword will choose to click on your link in search results.

No, meta tags are not the be-all and end-all of SEO. That era ended in the 90s. However, they are one tool that should be ready in the toolbelt of every competent developer. To simply state that they are completely unimportant is a gross oversimplification.

To continue to refuse to include them in the core Geeklog code is a shame.
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Google release a good SEO guide which talks about meta descriptions.


I also see a feature request has now been made.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Thanks Laugh for the link Smile

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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some time back i posted something similar.

My idea was that we generate meta-description and meta-keywords automatically.

http://TazaKino.com - Pakistani News
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Hi all,

I have made Metatags plugin, which allows you to set keywords and description meta tags in each article and staticpage. This plugins converts autotags [meta:key comma_separated_keywords] and [meta:desc description_of_page] into <meta name="keywords" content="comma_separated_keywords"> and <meta name="description" content="description_of_page"> respectively. Should work with Geeklog-1.5.0 or later.

Grab a copy from http://mystral-kk.net/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=30 and give it a try.
-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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Quote by: mystral_kk

Hi all,

I have made Metatags plugin, which allows you to set keywords and description meta tags in each article and staticpage. This plugins converts autotags [meta:key comma_separated_keywords] and [meta:desc description_of_page] into <meta name="keywords" content="comma_separated_keywords"> and <meta name="description" content="description_of_page"> respectively. Should work with Geeklog-1.5.0 or later.

Grab a copy from http://mystral-kk.net/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=30 and give it a try.

Hi Mystral_kk, is there a way to put in a default robots.txt field in the configuration? And is there a way to make default meta tags for the news topics? I love this plugin by the way, works really great Big Grin
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Quote by: beewee

Hi Mystral_kk, is there a way to put in a default robots.txt field in the configuration? And is there a way to make default meta tags for the news topics? I love this plugin by the way, works really great Big Grin

Hi beewee, currently, there is no way to set default robots.txt field and no way to make default meta tags for the news topics. I'll see if it is possible to implement these two features in a next version. Please be patient.

-- mystral-kk, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Hi, thanks for the swift reply. I'll be patient, many thanks in advance!
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Just to let you guys know,

Meta Tags support will be added to Geeklog 1.6.1 when it comes out later this year for Stories, Staticpages, Topics and probably Polls. Default tags for the entire site and/or homepage can be set as well in the config panel.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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