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Custom Registration Example

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Don't really know what you are refering to. I paid Blaine to take care of it. He knocked it out quickly.




After nearly four years geeklog'ing, I finally got around to custom registration. It was simple. I just added age, location, and gender. Plus I make them agree to the user agreement, included on the page:

See: http://www.kenoshaonline.net/users.php?mode=new




This answer is a day late and a buck short, since you already got some custom coding done, but anyway I used this custom registration script and came up with the same problem-after trying to submit the new user signup, the page just reloaded and the form reset. (I am using 1.3.11). Maybe the custom registration code is different in a different version of geeklog, but the problem was that the custom_userform function in the example has the parameters ($uid="",$msg=""). This is incorrect. It should just be ($msg). This is because when the users.php tries to call custom_userform, it passes one parameter ($msg, usually) BUT the function in lib-custom actually had two parameters. So that quick fix solves the whole issue.

Hopefully this post will help others who have come across the same problem.

Short Version: in lib-custom.php, change this:
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function custom_userform($uid="",$msg="")

to this:
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function custom_userform($msg)

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Thanks for taking the time Toby

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I am attempting to use the custom registration example, it is nearly finished but I need answers for two questions.

I have read an earlier post about using checkboxes in the custom registration but I did not find an answer.

1. Is it possible to use checkboxes in the custom registration?
2. How do you return an error message without having the user to re-enter all of the data? i.e. if the form contains firstname, lastname, street, city, state, zip and these are all required.


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Quote by Frlitz: 1. Is it possible to use checkboxes in the custom registration?


Quote by Frlitz: 2. How do you return an error message without having the user to re-enter all of the data? i.e. if the form contains firstname, lastname, street, city, state, zip and these are all required.

In the CUSTOM_userForm function, you'll have to populate all the fields again with the values from their respective $_POST entry.

bye, Dirk


I follow all the steps ... but on new user registration, when i click Submit, nothing happen Sad

what can I do????????????????????????

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I enabled the cutom_registration example in lib-custom to require the full name. I also added the code below to the function custom_usercheck to deny mistacronks dot com and to send me an email so I can keep an eye on things:

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        if ( stristr( $email, '@mistacronks.com' ) ){
                $msg = 'Due to the number of spam accounts created using this domain, we dont accept registration from <b>mistacronks.com</b>.  If you would still like to sign up, either use a different email address or contact us.  We apologize for any inconvenience.';
COM_mail ("myemailaddress@mysite.com", "Email Address from mistacronks.com","nRegistration from mistacronks.com attempted", "DO_NOT_REPLY@mysite.net");



What I would like to do now is to require my 150 existing users to enter their full names. I thought when a user logs in I could check for the full name and if empty load usersettings with a msg= message that they must enter their full name. What I need to know is the best place to add the code that does the full name check.


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For anyone else who had a problem with Blaine's custom registration example, where you did exactly what he instructed, but when a new user tried to register, nothing happened (the page refreshed with no error or confirmation msg, and the user was not added to the db), here's why:

First of all, Toby's suggestion didn't work for me. I was excited that he was on to something, but all it did was kick out a Warning message that there was a parse error in lib-custom.php -- the second argument was still expected.

Blaine's instructions said to "replace the example custom user-registration functions in system/lib-custom.php with the ones included in his archive." That was absolutely right!

However, there is an additional function in the original lib-custom.php at the very end of all the other custom user-registration functions called custom_usercheck (which checks to see if all required info has been entered) that also must be replaced or commented out.

Once I did that, the entire custom registration example worked perfectly!

Now I just have to figure out what needs to change, and where, if I want to add additional user profile fields.

If this PHP/MySQL novice got this far, I can go even further! Thanks!
JR Gilliam


Hi Guys

I'm new to Geeklog, and PHP so hope you guys can help. I have tried several CMS but found geeklog to be the more user friendly one and went with it. I will be converting my other websites over to geeklog as it is much easier to use, anyways, on with my problem...

I have Geeklog installed and up and running no problems, aslo have the PHPBB Bridge installed all working fine, no errors or any think wrong, except...

Due to the nature of the site - www.webhoststhatsuck.com I need to have a TOS agreement that new registered userd need to agree to before they can post on the forum.

I don't need extra fields to add data to my SQL Database, just an agreement which needs to be dislpayed on the registration page with a check box to say they agree, and then allow them to register.

How do I display the agreement that is on the PHPBB on the geeklog registration page?

Or any aother tips on how I can achieve this.



Will looks like you will be using the custom registration function to set up your custom page. I do know that you can edit that page in the "lib-custom.php" file located in your system directory that should be outside of your public Geeklog directory ( Near your config). I beleieve you will also have to enabe the custom registration function in the lib-custom.php. Ther will be directions in the commnents. I think yo uwill be able to type the message into the custome reg section of the lib-custom.php. I believe yo will also put your radio button in that section as well.

I am not really completely sure about the particulars but I think you will at least be getting started. Read thru all the previous posts for help and you may be able to get it done.

good luck,



Hi Jordy

Thanks, I will start to play around in the areas you suggested. Giving it a try

Because of legal reasons I need to have a TOS due to the nature or the site, and to cover my butt over being sued.

Wonder if I just edit the text above the fields with the TOS, mmmmm

Cheers from Down Under.




Hi guys. Trying to set up this and keep getting the following error :

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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/crewlink/system/lib-custom.php on line 554

Only thing is that there is NO line 554......

Any ideas, guys!?

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OH! its great

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I have a question reguarding the provided example that Blaine put together. If i wanted to add multiple required lines for registration would i just duplicate step one

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CREATE TABLE `gl_localuserinfo` (
  `uid` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  `grad_year` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
  KEY `uid` (`uid`)

and change 'grad_year' to something else?

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Quote by: jordydme

These are Blaine's instructions below:

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Date: April 15, 2005
Author: Blaine Lang  - blaine@portalparts.com

Geeklog Custom Membership example with all needed code included.

This example will prompt a new user for additional fields when registering.
User Full Name and Graduation year

The Full Name is already a field that is maintained by Geeklog but not prompted for at registration time.
The Graduation Year is not and we will setup a new table to store this extra information.
Any new information should be maintained in a separate table and don't re-use or extend Core Geeklog tables.

Using the Custom Registration Feature requires some PHP and MySQL skills. This example in addition to
the notes and example functions in lib-custom should be sufficient to guide you in adding additional fields.




If full Name, homepage and email is already a field that is maintained by Geeklog but not prompted for at registration time.
how do I set for homepage use too.




I want to put a random letter/number gen checker on my registration page to stop spam log ins how do I go about this? I assume it can be done since it's on this site... (any plugins which may help in the long run?)

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Quote by: schneider

I want to put a random letter/number gen checker on my registration page to stop spam log ins how do I go about this? I assume it can be done since it's on this site... (any plugins which may help in the long run?)

You're looking for the CAPTCHA plugin ...

bye, Dirk


Where can I find an example of the code to insert into my webpage to run geeklog?

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Quote by: Rob

Where can I find an example of the code to insert into my webpage to run geeklog?

What exactly are you looking for?

bye, Dirk

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