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A MAJOR Poll Problem

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I have a MAJOR problem. A poll was created on my site and now I cant even delete it or evenview it and I have a root account. Is there anyplace on the FTP that I can delete the poll from, becuase I cant use the Geeklog Interface to do this for some reason???

Thanks for any help.

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More details, please.

When you go to the Admin's list of polls - is it listed there? Can you edit it? What about the "delete" button in the editor? If you can't edit it: What happens? Any error messages?

bye, Dirk

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It is there in the admin under poll, but when I click on it it opens a new poll page - like what you would expect to see when you click on new poll. I get no messages.

If I go out of the admin panel and go and view it as normal, by clicking view previous polls it is also listed there, but when I click on it where the poll results should be displayed is just a white space.

No error messages.

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what theme are you using?... this might seem oversimplified but... the first thing i do when something goes haywire on my site is to switch to the professional theme and see if I can acomplish the task. If I can then I know I haven't copied all the apripro files to my default theme.

probably won't help, but worth a try...

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If you do have the same problem with the professional theme, maybe the following might help: I had a "simular" problem with a category and this was caused because I tried to make a category / topic with a title only containing spaces.

Maybe the title of your poll is a white space or does contain a white space, resulting in an invalid qid.

If this is the case you could always delete/edit in phpmyadmin or any other database tool directly and or change the qid or just delete it directly.

Best Regards,

Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal

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I dont have access to the professional theme, and I am using the Smooth_Blue them which I did not install - it was already installed with my hosting package.

There may be spaces in the title - I cant remember - so I will try to do what knuff says, though I'm not very sure what he means. Can anyone enlighten me.

Thanks for the never ending support.

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Does your hosting package include something like phpmyadmin ?

Ifso, you can see the polls in your poll table and edit them there.

The spaces should not be in the title but in the qid (which stands for Qoll ID Mr. Green )

Anyway, if you go to your pollbooth.php and hover the link you see in the bottom something like yoursite.com/pollbooth.php?qid=geeklogfeaturepoll&aid=-1

If the text after the qid contains a space, then this could be the problem.

Then you would something like phpmyadmin which comes with a lot of packages.

Just log in, select your GL database and go to gl_polls and click browse.

Then select the table entry and delete or edit it.

If you are very unfamiliar with phpmyadmin just make sure you backup your database Leaves me speechless

Did I make more sense now ?
Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal

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Yes, however I have now checked my hosting package and I dont see phpmyadmin there. Can I use something like Dreamweaver or notepad to edit the poll.php file and delete/rename the poll instead of phpmyadmin???

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It´s always possible to make a simple php page that deletes this specific poll if you dont have access directly to your database (are you sure about that ?).

Why don´t you first copy/paste the link to that poll here, by going into admin section and right-click on the link.

Paste it here (and change yoursite name if you want).

This is to see if there is any difference with the QID.

It can still be the theme you are using, or something completly different.
A simple link to your site, if public available would also increase your changes in getting it resolved much easier.

Best Regards,

Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal


This is very old topic, but still interesting to me. I have the very same problem and already started to investigate it.
It seems to me, that values inside <form> tags get posted, but not picked up by admin's index.php function.
If I display $_POST variable not all fields are received etc. (mode - save or delete, other poll parameters).
Quite interesting though. I compared poll plugin with static pages plugin (static pages plugin works just fine) as this plugin has no such issue. Both index.php are very much alike. Any further help would really be appreciated.


Quote by: trohko

It seems to me, that values inside <form> tags get posted, but not picked up by admin's index.php function.

Wooops: I meant index.php script.

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Is your site's language not English?


It doesn't matter. I tried English and Slovenian. Same problem.
And I'm getting quite frustrated. I'm using Firebug plugin for Firefox and it's telling me, that all form's fields get posted. But I don't see them when page gets "reloaded". variable $mode should be set to Save or Delete, but sentence
Text Formatted Code

$display = '';

$mode = '';
if (isset ($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
    COM_errorLog ('**** poll plugin: setting mode ... ***');
    $mode = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['mode']);

fails! Still don't know why. Please help.



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Really odd. Is there anything else not working or is it only affecting the polls?

bye, Dirk


No, everything else works just fine. Except for mediagallery, but i think this is not your project, so ...
I think that if we manage to figure out the Polls problem, everything else would have the same solution.

If you would like to take a look, maybe a can give you access to my site.


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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I was wondering if maybe $_REQUEST is not set. For example, when you go to the event details for an event from the public calendar, can you add the event to your personal calendar with the link provided on the details page?

bye, Dirk


Events work just fine. If I click on that link, the event is added to my personal calendar. End of story. But that link simulates GET method to send the data. So it's not the same as here.

$_REQUEST is set. Everything is as should be, except 'mode' field is missing.
Now this is silly:

I further changed index.php for debugging purposes:
Text Formatted Code

$display = '';

$mode = '';
if (isset ($_REQUEST)) {
    foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
        $tmp .= $key." - ".$value."\n";
    COM_errorLog ('*** poll plugin: dump of $_REQUEST: variable ***' . $tmp);
else {
    COM_errorLog ('*** poll plugin: $_REQUEST not set!!! ***');

if (isset ($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
    $mode = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['mode']);

if ($mode == 'edit') {

And it says:

When I click on Create New (poll)
Tue Sep 2 11:08:50 2008 - *** poll plugin: dump of $_REQUEST: variable ***
mode - edit
poll-geeklogfeaturepoll - 4-2
gl_session - 1149206893
geeklog - 2
password - 781f27c13bd662cd469eb525bcf52939

When I try to save it
Tue Sep 2 11:09:03 2008 - *** poll plugin: dump of $_REQUEST: variable ***
pid - 20080902110850807
topic - dfvgdf
commentcode - 0
mainpage - on
open - on
question - Array
answer - Array
votes - Array
remark - Array
poll-geeklogfeaturepoll - 4-2
gl_session - 1149206893
geeklog - 2
password - 781f27c13bd662cd469eb525bcf52939


Has anyone beside Dirk any ideas?
I'm getting really frustrated. Still haven't find a reason for such behavior.


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Did you modify any of the thtml files that come with the poll plugin?

Short of giving someone access to your website. There's not much more we can do.

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