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phpbbbridge install problem

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After messin with it for a couple hours I finally got it installed again. Problem it, when I go to the forum, I get this message:

Text Formatted Code
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: com_siteheader() in /home2/revenue/public_html/forum/includes/page_header.php on line 350

Any idea how I can correct this Question


Oh yeah, and this is the line from the page header:

Text Formatted Code
// Added by Turias
global $_PHPBBB_CONF;
$geeklog_site_header = '';
if ($_PHPBBB_CONF['show_left_blocks'])
        $geeklog_site_header = COM_siteHeader();
        $geeklog_site_header = COM_siteHeader('none');

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This happens after an incorrect install/integration. You may want to check all of the config files and make sure that your paths are correct.

Also, what page were you trying to load when this happened? It was phpBB's index.php file, right?

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I get the same Fatal error: Call to undefined function: com_siteheader[blab blah blah]page_header.php on line 350 when trying to load the forum index from the nav bar. I can open the forum admin interface using the GL admin bar, but no go when trying to open the forum's index either directly or using the link.

I'm no coding superman, but I tried following suggestions that I've seen. Even checked out those topics on demo.dogcows.net. I think the config files are set up correctly, but I'm stumped also. (sigh)

On another (unrelated) note... I also do not receive the registration password confirmation email when using a test user dummy account if I use an email address with a domain name that is different than the site's domain (i.e. YAHOO). I get the message that the password is being mailed, but nada.

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Did you remove the install and contrib directories for phpBB? What about the admin/install directory for Geeklog? There's a small bug with the wrong error message showing up for those problems. It is fixed in my internal version and will be pushed out in the next version of the phpBBBridge I release.

As for your unrelated note, I don't know. It's not a phpBBBridge issue. Very Happy

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All of the associated install/contrib directories for phpbb and GL were deleted prior to attempting the login. I just know I'm going to end up scrapping the whole thing... deleting all of the databases, and reinstalling both again. Either brute force or blunt force head trauma will prevail! Banging your head

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can you post the contents of your geeklog.inc file in the phpBB directory?

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Sure Neutral It's pretty basic, but I won't rule out anything.

Text Formatted Code
if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
        die("Hacking attempt");

$phpbbb_geeklog_public_html_dir = "/home/draconis/public_html/portal/";  // Should end in a slash



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and /home/draconis/public_html/portal/lib-common.php exists and is the correct file?

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Aye, and here is the line from lib-common.php:

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require_once( '/home/draconis/public_html/portal/config.php' );

I guess it looks right.

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One last thing to try:

in the phpBB functions.php file, find the following:

Text Formatted Code
function message_die($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = '')
        global $db, $template, $board_config, $theme, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $nav_links, $gen_simple_header, $images;
        global $userdata, $user_ip, $session_length;
        global $starttime;

change it to read

Text Formatted Code
function message_die($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = '')

        global $db, $template, $board_config, $theme, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $nav_links, $gen_simple_header, $images;
        global $userdata, $user_ip, $session_length;
        global $starttime;

Then, see if the error message you are getting has changed.

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No sir. No change. Is that significant?

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Apparently not in your case.

Well, I'm stumped. Unless you know enough PHP to trace through the code and figure out why the lib-common.php file failed to be included in your page load, I would recommend reinstalling the plugin.

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Looks like it's brute force then. Thanks for the help. I'll update if I think of anything else, or if it starts working miraculously. praying it will work


Hey, I was getting the same error message....and I changed the code you wanted changed. Now t's giving me another error, the error is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/hopes/public_html/phpBB2/includes/functions.php on line 2

got any ideas on that one sir?


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Quote by HOpes: Hey, I was getting the same error message....and I changed the code you wanted changed. Now t's giving me another error, the error is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/hopes/public_html/phpBB2/includes/functions.php on line 2

got any ideas on that one sir?


This happens when there is a syntax error in the PHP code. Usually it's a quote that isn't closed. Did you make any other changes to that file?

And try using the latest version of the Bridge found on my website. You should no longer have to change the message_die function to show the hidden error message.


i'm having trouble, the install seems to run smoothly, but when i go to phpbb i'm not logged in, clicking log in just askes me to re login to geeklog but i never actually get logged into phpbb, it's difficult to figure anything out since i can't log in as admin to get to the administration panel

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Sounds like the install didn't go so smoothly. Smile

Any error.log errors? If not, I'd recommend going through the install instructions and trying again.


No errors, everything seemed to go ok. I checked in phpmyadmin and the tables seem to have been synched, same db different prefix right?

The link to the forum which is suppose to be added by default was not added if this indicates anything.


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What version of Geeklog? What theme?

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