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dailyquote 1.0.4 final released

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DailyQuote 1.0.4 final released.
See the change log for additions, changes, fixes, etc. Briefly: added the category management page, a utility to check your db for orphaned quotes, and a title field to accomodate a wider range of use. enjoy.

find it at SummitPages.ca.

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Alright! Time for my weekly report.

First, the category stuff seems to have worked itself out. It seems to be working appropriately now. I'm not sure what the problem was, but one hit with the "Disable All Categories" button and it's fine. I do have to wonder, however, if the gl_quote_lookup table is the best place to keep track of this information. I understand the trade offs, though, in moving it to gl_quote_categories.

Second. On the Moderate/Edit pages, I'm not getting the categories that people select. The submitted information makes it into gl_quote_lookup, but the checkboxes are not checked. This is definite problem.

Otherwise, it looks real good. Great job. I've made improvements to my importation script (which probably isn't of any use to anyone), and eliminated a couple of my database problems at the same time, and I apologize if I've publicly or privately blamed you for those monsters.

On the looking forward side of things, is there any more chance of deeper integration with the Geeklog API? Submission queues? "Last 10 quotes" on the User page? Wew've talked aobut some of this before, but now that 1.0 is out, what are your plans?

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Quote by shetzel:I do have to wonder, however, if the gl_quote_lookup table is the best place to keep track of this information. I understand the trade offs, though, in moving it to gl_quote_categories.
it's makes no difference really.. I just went with the expedient method and one less left join per lookup.
Quote by shetzel:On the Moderate/Edit pages, I'm not getting the categories that people select. The submitted information makes it into gl_quote_lookup, but the checkboxes are not checked. This is definite problem.
works for me. Wink
perhaps check that the files were replaced properly. otherwise the select statement is on line 129 and line 282 of moderate and manage.php respectively. those statements provide the CID's responsible for "checking" the boxes at lines 151 and 304 respectively. point is, if they are represented in the lookup table properly, they will be checked or not accordingly. Without seeing the corresponding table entries, that's about the best I can offer.
Quote by shetzel:I've made improvements to my importation script (which probably isn't of any use to anyone)
I certainly wouldn't mind taking a look at it if you think it may be useful for this plugin. I assume that it accomodates a particular database layout rather than a text file?... Send it off if you like.
Quote by shetzel:On the looking forward side of things, is there any more chance of deeper integration with the Geeklog API? Submission queues? "Last 10 quotes" on the User page? Wew've talked aobut some of this before, but now that 1.0 is out, what are your plans?
I do have plans in fact, especially now that gl 1.3.10 is official. I plan on making use of one or two of the new api calls. Also, I plan on integrating into the user page. that gl submission queue--i've just been putting that one off. but it is still on my list. It just involves a count and then the link to moderate because I don't plan on disolving moderate.php at all.

that said, I must confess that from here on, at least for a month or two, all i'll be able to do is tinker. I won't have even an hour here or an hour there without putting some other important projects on hold. so feel free to continue without me. Shetzel, if you want to redesign the category management page, with respect to the HTML forms, making it more user friendly, I don't mind. I'll rewrite the PHP behind you.

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[quote by machinari] works for me. (snip) Without seeing the corresponding table entries, that's about the best I can offer.[/quote]
Ah-ha! I think I may be on to something. It works for me in IE. Not in my usual browser, Opera. I'll dig into this and get back to you.

Also, in IE, the categories aren't "greyed out" on the Add Quote page when disabled, like they properly are in Opera. At least, these are my results. What browser do you run?

[quote by machinari] Send it off if you like.[/quote]
I'll reply to you via email, since I'm shy about my code.... Rolling Eyes

I wouldn't suggest that you get rid of your moderation page, since it works well for us. However, it would be nice if we got a count when we went to the general Submissions page, and a link that brings us to moderation.php. I think we're exactly of the same thought here.

Now that you'll be pulling back on your efforts for a while, and now that it's pretty stable, I may, repeat, may get into some tinkering of my own. I have the time, unless my job interview tomorrow turn out like I hope it does. And then I'd need to actually write something worth contributing! That's another problem entirely. If I come up with anything too weird, I'll send it to you personally.

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Quote by shetzel:Also, in IE, the categories aren't "greyed out" on the Add Quote page when disabled, like they properly are in Opera. At least, these are my results. What browser do you run?

Found it. In add.php, moderate.php, and manage.php, you specify a style with a color of "grey". While that is a perfectly valid way to spell the name of the color, the only way IE will recognize it is with the more common spelling "gray". Opera (and other browsers, I assume) are intelligent enough to accept both spellings.

I sympathize. I have ancestors who were Greys, which makes it a confusing word for me, as well.

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[quote by sheztel]On the Moderate/Edit pages, I'm not getting the categories that people select. The submitted information makes it into gl_quote_lookup, but the checkboxes are not checked. This is a definite problem.[/quote]
OK, got this one, too. In an HTML Input tag, there needs to be be space between the CHECKED attribute and the closing brace "/>"

The easiest way to fix this is to modify templates/catoption.thtml from

Text Formatted Code


Text Formatted Code
.....{checked} />

Opera just happens to be a little pickier than other browsers on this, apparently.

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nice work shetzel--on both counts. code changed to reflect your findings.
I thought to check the spelling of the color, but just glanced over it. Rolling Eyes

I'm using mozilla primarily to test and occasionally opera and IE when I come to things I think will be a problem. Those two issues you found aren't the most obvious of problems though. Good finding!


Quote by shetzel: In an HTML Input tag, there needs to be be space between the CHECKED attribute and the closing brace "/>"

Actually, I believe the correct HTML standard is to use CHECKED=CHECKED

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Quote by htmlguy:
Actually, I believe the correct HTML standard is to use CHECKED=CHECKED

I went to the 4.01 spec at http://www.w3c.org and it indicated that it was a boolean set TRUE by it's mere presence. The attribute written as CHECKED=CHECKED may be an acceptable formalized way, but it doesn't seem to be specifically recommended. Probably because there is no equivalent CHECKED=UNCHECKED.

It's definitely work looking up, as always. Thanks for your response.

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Quote by machinari:
DailyQuote 1.0.4 final released.
See the change log for additions, changes, fixes, etc. Briefly: added the category management page, a utility to check your db for orphaned quotes, and a title field to accomodate a wider range of use. enjoy.

find it at SummitPages.ca.

During install I received this error:
Text Formatted Code

Success - Created  table
Thu Dec  2 09:28:26 2004 - Inserting default data into dailyquote_settings table
Thu Dec  2 09:28:26 2004 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0 , 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)' at line 1. SQL in question:
Thu Dec  2 09:28:26 2004 - Error inserting default data into dailyquote_settings table


I was able to edit line 55 of the install.php from (31 rows):
Text Formatted Code
DEFVALUES['dailyquote_settings'] = "INSERT INTO {$_DQ_TABLES['dailyquote_settings']} VALUES (10, 50, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, ,0 , 0, 0, 1, '', 0, '', 0)";


to (27 rows):
Text Formatted Code
$DEFVALUES['dailyquote_settings'] = "INSERT INTO {$_DQ_TABLES['dailyquote_settings']} VALUES (10, 50, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 0, '', 0)";


and the plugin was installed, however, any admin changes generate SQL errors as the tables don't match up (there are only 27 rows in the dailyquote_settings table).
Am I on crack?

-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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Quote by destr0yr:
Am I on crack?
Nope, it's me that's on crack apparently. I neglected to add three fields to the sql statement and had an extra comma in the def values.

line 55 in install.php should look like this:
Text Formatted Code
$DEFVALUES['dailyquote_settings'] = "INSERT INTO {$_DQ_TABLES['dailyquote_settings']} VALUES (10, 50, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', 0, '', 0)";

and lines 53-84 in dailyquote_sql_install.php should look like this:
Text Formatted Code
$_SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE {$_DQ_TABLES['dailyquote_settings']} (
  indexdisplim TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '10',
  searchdisplim TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '50',
  queue TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  anonadd TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  anonview TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  loginadd TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  loginaddcat TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  loginbatch TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  cntrblkenable TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  cntrblkpos TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '2',
  cntrblkhome TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  blk1 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk2 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk3 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk4 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  blk5 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk6 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk7 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk8 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk9 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  blk10 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk11 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  blk12 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk13 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  blk14 TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  gglink TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  cacheupdate INT UNSIGNED,
  cacheperiod MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
  whatsnew TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0'


I'm attributing these to power outages that screwed my stuff. Razz
because i'm sure I checked and recheched those values. sorry.
Thanks and i'll upload the proper stuff right away

done, I just uploaded a new tarball reflecting those install changes--left the name the same. it's still 1.0.4 cuz i'm not a professional Razz
get it here

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Quote by machinari:
I'm attributing these to power outages that screwed my stuff. Razz
because i'm sure I checked and recheched those values. sorry.
Thanks and i'll upload the proper stuff right away

done, I just uploaded a new tarball reflecting those install changes--left the name the same. it's still 1.0.4 cuz i'm not a professional Razz
get it here

Just glad we got it fixed before too many people downloaded it.

Another thing I noticed, when "updating and approving" a submission, I got this error at the top of my page:
Text Formatted Code

Warning: Missing argument 8 for upd_quote() in /home/okanagan/public_html/dailyquote/moderate.php on line 235

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/okanagan/public_html/dailyquote/moderate.php on line 270

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/okanagan/public_html/dailyquote/moderate.php on line 294


-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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that's the thing i hate about adding fields way after the fact--trying to ensure they appear everywhere that they should.

anyway, change line 345 in moderate.php to this:
Text Formatted Code
    $display .= upd_quote($qid, $quote, $quoted, $title, $source, $sourcedate, $contr, $catarray);

it's just adding the title field. sorry.

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found and fixed yet another bug. this time with the page nav from the search page. it was querying the wrong value and also using a static value in another place... all fixed for 1.0.5.

other stuff planned for 1.0.5 include:
* a more indepth database checking utility
* a backup utility just for the quotes db
* a 1.3.10 specific menu block, much like the forum has now
* "last 10 additions" listed on user page
* some few suggestions here and there, etc...

and i've been thinking about making use of GL's comment engine, but I haven't decided if it is appropriate or not. Let me know what you all think of making/allowing comments on quotes (or poems/jokes/etc whatever you are using the plugin for). either way, it won't make it into 1.0.5 i think

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Fantastic. Every update brings this thing closer to perfect. I'm looking forward to 1.0.5.

Comments.... Hmmm. That's a big ol' bucket of worms, isn't it? It seems like a natural extension. Of course, I presume that any comments people make would appear in the "What's New" Comments section, so the quote would be kept in the public eye. Otherwise it could be weeks before people would notice the comments.

I suppose I would be in favor of it. Why not, right? I'd certainly enable it for registered users. What volume of work would need to be done? I know that the comment engine is pretty mature, you'd just need to tie certain things in and set up a new comment type, right?


We've just upgraded from 1.0.4rc1 to 1.0.4 (final version) and are encountering a problem. We are able to see all of the new features including the new title field and category management improvements. Things appear to be working correctly on the whole except for the fact that we are no longer able to edit quotations. We get the new edit form with title field and text box (love those additions Very Happy) but when we hit "update" after editing...our database is not being updated Crying or Very sad

Anyone else had the same problem or is it just us? Hopefully we haven't missed something simple. Doh! - that was a mistake (We've applied the upgrade twice from scratch and got the same result.) Can someone help me

and i've been thinking about making use of GL's comment engine, but I haven't decided if it is appropriate or not. Let me know what you all think of making/allowing comments on quotes (or poems/jokes/etc whatever you are using the plugin for).

We'd love to see the GL comments engine incorporated into this plugin! As we've said before, any new features now only make this already fabulous plugin EVEN BETTER!!!


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Quote by Jill:when we hit "update" after editing...our database is not being updated Crying or Very sad


sorry, duh! in changing around stuff to accomodate the category management etc, i lost track of my uppercase letters. silly errors.
here it is--in manage.php, change lines 545 and 550 respectively to the following (it just makes "update" and "delete" uppercase):
Text Formatted Code
//line 545
if ($_POST['submit'] == "Update"){

//line 550
elseif ($_POST['submit'] == "Delete"){


works for me--hope it does the trick for you. praying it will work
and thanks for your patience.


Ah fabulous! No problem at all -- we applied the fix and everything's working beautifully now Big Celebration

Thanks for responding so quickly Machinari. Looking forward to 1.0.5 Mr. Green



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DailyQuote 1.0.5 rc1 released.

* this release features a database backup utility.
* makes use of a 1.3.10 specific plugin function that allows a plugin to have it's own block menu.
* Extend the user profile display with very little effort (see the documentation for this).
* one database change.
...and other stuff.

the cat man form will be redone before rc2.

remember to read the docs. get it from SummitPages.ca


how are you getting that tools block in the left bar with the new api i would love to know how its done (geeklog docs on api are a bit poor)

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