Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, August 31 2024 @ 11:49 pm EDT

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Comment Spam Plugin

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Hey ComicBookGuy I emailed you, but have not had a reply. If you want to test just email me.


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I just sent you a reply. I will be happy to try it out tonight when I get home from work.

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I have the plugin installed and it is working like a charm.

I did have to create the spamx.log file but otherwise it seems to work ok now. The only thing I was uncertain of (which I mentioned in my email) was the change to the comment.php file.

You know the quick response to problems like this is why I love Geeklog so much. Good luck trying to get this quick a response from most software vendors, even if you are a paying customer. Geeklog is free and the support and help from the developers and the geeklog community is awesome.

That's just my two cents.


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Your so right about the quick responses ComicBookGuy.

I guess that is why most of the developers have a donate button for their paypal accounts. I know many users give a donation just to say Thank you when they can.

It is a good way to support further development. I think it is not the top item on the list as to why people take these projects on, but it helps.

If you have programming skills or graphic skills, heck any skills. Then we need those as a community too, read the forums, answer peoples questions when you can. Send them links to documentation that exists already if possible.

Do what you can, enjoy an amazing package and support the community in whatever ways you can and it will offer you a richer and more mature package.


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I checked the logs this morning and Spamx caught two attempts to post spam from two different IP addresses.

So far so good.

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Mine too. It caught both attempts. The spambot must have some kind of limiter on it or it is a human who is posting.


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Barry Vrielink

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Hi tomw,

If you need another beta tester let me know. Got hit by a spam attack today as well (first time). The only way they could find out about my site is by searching for the "Powered By GeekLog" slogan with Google. Maybe we should 'hide' this fact from Google someway.


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Sent you an email. Shouldn't be more than a couple days until the first version is ready.


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I sent you an email the other day requesting the plugin to help with testing. Did you get it? I used the email button in forum.



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Nope didn't get it use

tomw AT pigstye DOT net


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I'd like to test it also so please send me a copy.
I was wondering whether it's only English language sites that are vulnerable? I haven't noticed any attacks on my site but ... better safe than sorry
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Barry Vrielink

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Registered: 03/20/04
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Hi Tomw,

I replied to your email but your email program is configured wrong (pgistye instead of pigstye). I then tried to contact you from this site. Dunno if you got my mail though. Anyway, still waiting for a beta .


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Hi Barry,

Sorry We have had problems connecting. After you note I checked and noticed that my email address here was the problem. It had pgistye DOT net. I have still not received an email to know where to send it. When I get one I will send it on.


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I am currently writing/trying to write a CAPTCHA plugin for Geeklog. The plugin forces anonymous users to identify a secret code (e.g., "294821") embedded in an image, so to stop bots spamming comments on a Geeklog site (sample image). The only additional system requirement for this feature is GD support for the PHP installation.

I already have the code together to randomly generate such an challenge/response image, and the code to verify the user's answer, but do not currently know how I could glue this into Geeklog.

Then I found this thread. If you want to, I can help (with limited programming skills ) to integrate such a feature into your existing plugin - if you want to, of course. I see no reason to have another plugin if its only one anti-spam feature which could possibly be integrated into your well-working existing one. I don't care about credits or such things, I only want powerful anti-spam functionalities for my website!

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