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CafePress script for GL
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Whenever I add the before mentioned function to my lib-common.php i lose my site, basically every page just turns white with no info. Also when attempting to add just the store.php to my public_html directory, changing just the store name i get the store.php coming up as just a white page also. no products or page blocks for that matter. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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If you change the name of the script you have to change the references to store.php to whatever you named it in the store.php file, otherwise you get a blank page.
In regard to adding something to lib-common I do not see anyone who said to do so. Read the instructions again maybe you mean lib-custom??
In regard to adding something to lib-common I do not see anyone who said to do so. Read the instructions again maybe you mean lib-custom??
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i didn't change the name of the store.php i meant in the file store.php i changed it to my store 'virginia_slims' and i mistyped it is lib-custom.php i was changing, but like i said same results nothing is showing up
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thank you for your help scurvy. the store.php is working finally. On to the other part of my original post, whenever i include the code for the random shop into my lib-custom.php, i get nothing but a white page for my entire site. any help on this matter?
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Got Hot wheels? http://www.dcmotoring.com
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Post your code for review here and be sure to use the CODE button in the forum so it is displayed correctly and not filtered out.
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Ok thanks everyone for all your help sorry it has taken so long for me to get back, it has been a very tiring week. Posted below is an excerpt from my lib-custom.php that is not working. it has the last two entries working. daily dilbert, and then the rand_shop which is not. please advise. you can see my page here as of right now i do not have the rand_shop code in my lib-custom as it cause my page to go blank. This is the version i replace my current lib-custom with, that causes the error. Ok here goes.
/* Geeklog Block to retrieve the Daily Dilbert Comic
* Created by Blaine Lang
* Jan 13 2005
* www.portalparts.com
function phpblock_dailydilbert() {
global $_CONF;
/* Create a unique name for the Daily Dilbert comic file */
$dilbert_todayfile = 'images/comics/dilbert'. date('Ymd') . '.gif';
$file = "{$_CONF['path_html']}$dilbert_todayfile";
/* Check if today's Dilbert comic already exists - if not retrieve it and create the image */
if (!file_exists($file)) {
/* Setup the Web Service Client */
include ($_CONF['path_system'] .'nusoap.php');
$wsdl = "http://www.esynaps.com/WebServices/DailyDilbert.asmx?WSDL";
$client = new soapclient( $wsdl,"true");
/* Call the Web Service and decode the base64 contents back to a GIF file */
$image = base64_decode($client->call('DailyDilbertImage', ''));
/* Now write the raw image and create the image file */
$fp = fopen("{$_CONF['path_html']}$dilbert_todayfile",'w');
$imageurl = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/$dilbert_todayfile";
return ("<a href=\"$imageurl\"><img src=\"$imageurl\" width=\"180\" border=\"0\"></a>");
function phpblock_randshop() {
global $_CONF;
srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000);
$start = '<!-- ### Items ### -->';
$end = '<!-- ### end of ITEMS ### -->';
$stores = 'virginia_slims';
$url = 'http://www.cafepress.com/' . $stores;
$itemfile = '/system/cpitemfile.inc';
if ($mode == "update") {
echo "Beginning CP item file update...<br>n";
// connect to CP
$reqheader = "GET /$stores HTTP/1.0rnHost: www.cafepress.comrnUser-Agent: MS Internet Explorerrnrn";
$socket = @fsockopen("www.cafepress.com", 80, &$errno, &$errstr);
if ($socket)
fputs($socket, $reqheader);
while (!feof($socket))
$cpfile .= fgets($socket, 4096);
$items = eregi("$start(.*)$end", $cpfile, $cparray);
$newcparray = split ("n", $cparray[1]);
foreach ($newcparray as $line) {
if (strlen($line) > 100)
$newestcparray[] = $line;
$handle = fopen($itemfile, "w");
foreach ($newestcparray as $line) {
$line = ereg_replace("<td align="center" valign="top"><p>","",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("</td>","",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("150","100",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("<b>(.*)</b>","",$line);
// $line = ereg_replace("\$(.*)r", "r", $line); // Uncomment to hide prices
if (eregi("<td colspan=3>",$line)) {unset ($line);}
if (eregi("<tr>",$line)) {unset ($line);}
$line = ereg_replace("<a href="","<a href="http://www.whatmenwant.net/store.php?target=http://www.cafepress.com",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("src="/cp/img","src="http://www.cafepress.com/cp/img",$line);
if (!empty($line)) {
$lastcparray[] = $line;
fwrite($handle, $line);
echo "CP item file update completed.n";
else {
$itemhandle = fopen($itemfile, "r");
$itemarray = fread($itemhandle,filesize("$itemfile"));
$lastcparray = split ("r", $itemarray);
$item = $lastcparray[rand(0,count($lastcparray)-2)];
$item = ereg_replace("[x27]",'',$item);
$item = trim($item);
//for javascript use:
//echo "document.write('<div align="center">" . $item . "</div>');";
//for php use:
$theitem = '<div align="center">' . $item . '';
$theitem .= '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/store.php"><strong>More Products</strong></a></div>';
return $theitem;
Got Hot wheels? http://www.dcmotoring.com
Text Formatted Code
*//* Geeklog Block to retrieve the Daily Dilbert Comic
* Created by Blaine Lang
* Jan 13 2005
* www.portalparts.com
function phpblock_dailydilbert() {
global $_CONF;
/* Create a unique name for the Daily Dilbert comic file */
$dilbert_todayfile = 'images/comics/dilbert'. date('Ymd') . '.gif';
$file = "{$_CONF['path_html']}$dilbert_todayfile";
/* Check if today's Dilbert comic already exists - if not retrieve it and create the image */
if (!file_exists($file)) {
/* Setup the Web Service Client */
include ($_CONF['path_system'] .'nusoap.php');
$wsdl = "http://www.esynaps.com/WebServices/DailyDilbert.asmx?WSDL";
$client = new soapclient( $wsdl,"true");
/* Call the Web Service and decode the base64 contents back to a GIF file */
$image = base64_decode($client->call('DailyDilbertImage', ''));
/* Now write the raw image and create the image file */
$fp = fopen("{$_CONF['path_html']}$dilbert_todayfile",'w');
$imageurl = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/$dilbert_todayfile";
return ("<a href=\"$imageurl\"><img src=\"$imageurl\" width=\"180\" border=\"0\"></a>");
function phpblock_randshop() {
global $_CONF;
srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000);
$start = '<!-- ### Items ### -->';
$end = '<!-- ### end of ITEMS ### -->';
$stores = 'virginia_slims';
$url = 'http://www.cafepress.com/' . $stores;
$itemfile = '/system/cpitemfile.inc';
if ($mode == "update") {
echo "Beginning CP item file update...<br>n";
// connect to CP
$reqheader = "GET /$stores HTTP/1.0rnHost: www.cafepress.comrnUser-Agent: MS Internet Explorerrnrn";
$socket = @fsockopen("www.cafepress.com", 80, &$errno, &$errstr);
if ($socket)
fputs($socket, $reqheader);
while (!feof($socket))
$cpfile .= fgets($socket, 4096);
$items = eregi("$start(.*)$end", $cpfile, $cparray);
$newcparray = split ("n", $cparray[1]);
foreach ($newcparray as $line) {
if (strlen($line) > 100)
$newestcparray[] = $line;
$handle = fopen($itemfile, "w");
foreach ($newestcparray as $line) {
$line = ereg_replace("<td align="center" valign="top"><p>","",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("</td>","",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("150","100",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("<b>(.*)</b>","",$line);
// $line = ereg_replace("\$(.*)r", "r", $line); // Uncomment to hide prices
if (eregi("<td colspan=3>",$line)) {unset ($line);}
if (eregi("<tr>",$line)) {unset ($line);}
$line = ereg_replace("<a href="","<a href="http://www.whatmenwant.net/store.php?target=http://www.cafepress.com",$line);
$line = ereg_replace("src="/cp/img","src="http://www.cafepress.com/cp/img",$line);
if (!empty($line)) {
$lastcparray[] = $line;
fwrite($handle, $line);
echo "CP item file update completed.n";
else {
$itemhandle = fopen($itemfile, "r");
$itemarray = fread($itemhandle,filesize("$itemfile"));
$lastcparray = split ("r", $itemarray);
$item = $lastcparray[rand(0,count($lastcparray)-2)];
$item = ereg_replace("[x27]",'',$item);
$item = trim($item);
//for javascript use:
//echo "document.write('<div align="center">" . $item . "</div>');";
//for php use:
$theitem = '<div align="center">' . $item . '';
$theitem .= '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/store.php"><strong>More Products</strong></a></div>';
return $theitem;
Got Hot wheels? http://www.dcmotoring.com
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Location:Virginia Beach
been a week and no answer, i guess i'll have to give up on this one.
Got Hot wheels? http://www.dcmotoring.com
Got Hot wheels? http://www.dcmotoring.com
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