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Inmemoriam Media Gallery 0.9.0 released

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Inmemoriam Media Gallery for Geeklog is a media gallery plug-in designed specifically for Geeklog making use of Geeklog's user database as well as many of its core functions. Inmemoriam Media Gallery for Geeklog is an integrated, powerful, and secure gallery solution designed with Geeklog in mind.

Version 0.9.0 adds a significant number of new features including support for the NetPBM and ImageMagick libraries via Pear.
This version also fixes a substantial number of bugs over the beta version.
An upgrade script is available for those who installed 0.8.5. Read the install instructions carefully. If you have issues, post your questions/concerns in the plugin help forum here at geeklog or at summitpages.ca.

find it at summitpages.ca or in the downloads section here at geeklog.net once it is approved..

Don't mistake Inmemoriam with that other "media gallery" recently released by mevans.
**end edit

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Its a deal - shaking hands Thank you very much Sir Very Happy
Can't wait to upgarade my gallery Mr. Green
Geeklog Polish Support Team


Ok, two things, First how do I set it to use something other than GD? Second, when I try to configure it so that the inmemoriam tag does not show up in the menu, it still does.


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Quote by RichardTowler: in image-functions.inc

require_once ('Image/Transform.php');

should be

require_once ('pear/Image/Transform.php');

atleast thats how I fixed it on my install
Richard, we've been through this a number of times already. Read the bug report thread for the previous version for more info.
Your GL's pear path must make it into your php include path. Changing the require once in image-functions.php will NOT fix this, as you've found out.

This is not a bug, btw.

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Quote by Rob:how do I set it to use something other than GD?
Inmemoriam will use whatever your Geeklog site uses. This setting therefore is found in your GL's config.php file.
Quote by Rob: when I try to configure it so that the inmemoriam tag does not show up in the menu, it still does.
Did you read the install doc? This option had to be disabled in the functions.inc file to accommodate the upgrade script. Whether you upgraded or did a fresh install, you need to read the install doc for more details.

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Please post your issues in the plugin help forum rather this forum.

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argh you replied before i could remove the comments, sorry I had done something stupid in my uploading to the system dir, all my fault...sorry Smile
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Quote by RichardTowler: delete plz
LOL, does that mean that you fixed it?

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