Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 08:34 pm EST

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Read-only groups?


Geeklog is a great product, and the effort and dedication you guys have put into it really shows. Congratulations on an excellent product. Now, the question. Can I configure the groups so that people who log in and create their own accounts are initially in a read-only status, so they can read stories, customize their account, etc, but not post content? Thanks

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Site Admin
Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 405
Location:Urbandale, Iowa
Not sure how familiar you are with Geeklog but it completely submission-based. Stories/links/events/etc that are submitted by a normal user sit in the Geeklog submission queue until an administrator either approves or denies the submission. The submission isn't viewable by anyone until an administrator approves it. Does this adequeately address your issues? A side note, comments are different. You can configure comments so that users have to be logged in before they can submit a comment but once they are logged in there is nothing preventing them from commenting on a story/poll/etc. Hope that helps.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


Thanks for the quick response. Yes, I knew about the approval loop by a designated admin. The application I'm looking at is for a church, where they want a decent sized group of folks making contributions in the form of stories, which of course still need to be approved. But, the vast majority of the users within the congregation have no need to submit stories, and having the perceived ability to submit stories that never show up could frustrate them. It would be better if these folks didn't see the "Get Published" capability at all, unless of course, they were a content contributor.

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 14
I would assume you could edit the template to remove the contribute link. So while the feature is there, there owuld be no link so no one who shouldn't would know about it? Obsecurity is sometimes the quick answer, and it works! :-)
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Site Admin
Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 405
Location:Urbandale, Iowa
Maybe a good way to get around this is to do as Jason suggested and remove the "Get Published" link. Then create a new Group called "Church Authors" (or something similiar) and be sure that group is part of the "All Users" group and the "Logged-in Users" group. Then go in for each church member that WILL be contributing stories and add them to that group (do this from admin/user.php). Finally, create a new block (in admin/block.php) that has Read and Edit checked for the owner and group and be sure to select "Church Authors" as the group. It is important to make sure the Read right for Members and Authors is unchecked. Then in the content for the block put a link to submit.php. What that will do is create a block that is only viewable by the Church Author group that gives them the link to submit.php but prevents the block from showing up for 'normal' users. Did that make sense?
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


Yep, it makes perfect sense. I had thoughts along these lines after I last posted, but was not entirely sure as to how to proceed. Thanks for the tip!

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