Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, November 06 2024 @ 11:31 pm EST

Question: I can't change anything!

Answer: Current Geeklog versions

Geeklog 1.5.0 introduced protection against so-called Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. This protection requires certain theme changes to work properly. If you are using a theme that hasn't been updated properly, you may encounter problems when saving your changes. So try with the version of the Professional theme that ships with Geeklog and double-check that your theme has been updated properly.

Geeklog 1.3.11 and older

Geeklog versions prior to 1.4.0 require the PHP option register_globals to be enabled. So make sure you have register_globals=on in your php.ini. And don't forget to restart your webserver when you change that setting.

The default for this setting is off as of PHP 4.2.0, so you may also run into this problem when you upgrade to a more recent version of PHP.

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FAQ » Common problems » I can't change anything!