Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, January 23 2025 @ 04:41 am EST

Question: Setting up a Story Admin

Answer: To become a Story Admin, i.e. to have the ability to edit stories, you will need

  1. story.edit permission (you get this automatically when you're a member of the pre-configured Story Admin group)

  2. Read and write permissions for the topic(s). Please note that per default, topics are owned by the Topic Admin group (of which the Story Admin is not a member) and that group write permissions are also disabled by default.

  3. Read and write permissions for the actual story or stories

To explain it in other terms: Think of the permissions on a Unix filesystem. To edit a file, you not only need write permissions for the file, but you also need write permissions for the directory the file is in. So in Geeklog, you need write permissions for both the story (file) and the topic (directory).

The story.edit permission is an additional means that actually "activates" the permission to edit a story. Likewise, you would need topic.edit permission to actually edit a topic - being a Story Admin with write permission for a topic does not mean that you can edit the topic.

So if you want to make one of your users a Story Admin, you will need to

  • Add them to the Story Admin group

  • Change all the topics they should be able to administer to a group they are in (e.g. All Users)

  • Make sure they have write permissions for the topic(s).

The default permissions for new stories can be set in config.php:

// Define default permissions for new objects created from the Admin panels.
// Permissions are perm_owner, perm_group, perm_members, perm_anon (in that
// order). Possible values:
// 3 = read + write permissions (perm_owner and perm_group only)
// 2 = read-only
// 0 = neither read nor write permissions
// (a value of 1, ie. write-only, does not make sense and is not allowed)
$_CONF['default_permissions_story'] = array (3, 2, 2, 2);

Hits: 380

FAQ » Usage » Setting up a Story Admin