Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, July 26 2024 @ 09:36 pm EDT

Question: Content syndication

Answer: Geeklog supports both importing and exporting of RSS feeds (RDF feeds) "out of the box".

Exporting feeds

Per default, an RSS 2.0 feed of all the stories on your site is created at the URL http://yoursite/backend/geeklog.rss. You can change that feed and create additional feeds from the Admin's "Content Syndication" panel.

To change the name of the directory (from "backend") to something else, you will have to change $_CONF['rdf_file'] in your config.php and create the new directory yourself.

Note that all the RDF/RSS settings in config.php only provide the defaults for the Content Syndication panel. To change, for example, the number of entries in a feed, you will have to edit that feed's setting from Content Syndication.

Importing feeds

To import some other site's RSS feed, you will need to create a portal block (see Block types for details). The headlines from that feed will then show up in a side block.

You can also restrict the number of entries to import from a feed there.

3rd-party extensions

There are also some extensions available: Tom Willet's Geeknews script displays several RSS feeds on one page. And Danny Ledger (aka Squatty) is working on a News Plugin.

Feeds prior to Geeklog 1.4.0

Geeklog 1.3.11 and earlier did create feeds in RSS 0.91 format. Additional formats can be implemented as classes and dropped into the /path/to/geeklog/system/classes/ directory. A collection of additional formats (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, and Atom) is available here.

Hits: 273

FAQ » Usage » Content syndication