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Category: Add-ons
Tags: -
Date: 2004-06-29 01:53
Size: 23.76 KB
Version: 1.0
MD5: eb4727ae522fa0f94ed0533244c6bd9d
Submitter: GeeklogWorks
Rating: 7.25(4)
Popularity: 1251 POP
Rating system for stories and includes installer. Can be expanded for other systems.
nice bright theme using a bg image and transparent story blocks.
Helps fight the problem of comment spam.
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Date: 2004-05-23 13:08
Size: 16.15 KB
Version: 1.00
MD5: b3ee4331e8ab70cf48249188231e034d
Submitter: Dirk
Web: http://geeklog.info/
Rating: 1.00(1)
Popularity: 1221 POP
A set of scripts to migrate the contents of a YaBB forum (users, boards, posts, notifications) to the Geeklog Forum plugin.
Please read the enclosed README first ...
Please read the enclosed README first ...
This is update version of Indonesian translation for Geeklog
This is just an upgrade from the old memo system i created when i was starting out on php. This one is 100% better, try it out.. and let me know.. if there is anything you would like to see on it please leave comment.. as i could of added more featured.. was busy ;)
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Date: 2004-04-28 08:45
Size: 14.42 KB
Version: 0.03
MD5: 216329443ca09db42c0f4cb9498ed1cb
Submitter: druid
Web: http://www.spph.hr/
Rating: 8.00(1)
Popularity: 616 POP
Provides additional feed writer classes for geeklog 1.3.9 and above's content syndication system. Includes RDF (RSS 1.0), RSS 2.0, ATOM and now Avantgo. Also includes code for a static page to display available feeds.
Fixed displaying in GL 1.3.9
Category: Themes
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Date: 2004-04-03 23:03
Size: 431.87 KB
Version: beta_002
MD5: dc30bba51c94ca7139551c63dacdf4fe
Submitter: drshakagee
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1933 POP
This is a theme I made quite a long time ago, and am not using anymore. There are a couple photoshop files included so you can change some of the images (the logo and some custom topic names). I believe I have updated it to work properly with 1.3.9 but haven't tested it fully. If you have any problems with it, please find a solution and email it to pfarmtheme@theouldsod.com
This is just a theme I threw together during the 2.3 release candidate stages of Blaine's amazing Forum plugin. I hope to eventually make it mostly CSS, but I'm dealing with tables, for now. Feel free to modify and redistribute it as you see fit. Also, please send any suggestions/comments/fixes my way by e-mailing or PMing me through www.geeklog.net.
Category: Themes
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Date: 2004-03-17 16:10
Size: 209.70 KB
Version: 1.3.9
MD5: 31e3419920292267ea3b36dc97b045b9
Submitter: vbgunz
Web: http://aeonserv.com
Rating: 9.00(1)
Popularity: 3338 POP
Category: Themes
Tags: -
Date: 2004-03-17 16:09
Size: 271.09 KB
Version: 1.3.9
MD5: fe0b3e300971757593d1d23e4c825752
Submitter: vbgunz
Web: http://aeonserv.com
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 3152 POP
Here is the most anticipated theme ever created for the Geeklog system. Major thanks goes to the men behind Geeksta.com and Squatty.com. This theme is based on original work of Aeonserv.com and is made for your enjoyment. Please, if you have any comments, compliments or complaints, be the wiser and let me know :)
Geeklog 1.3.9 is a recommended upgrade for all Geeklog users, introducing many new features, but also includes bugfixes and a stricter parameter checking.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs.
I listen to music through the Squeezebox, a device made by SlimDevices (http://www.slimdevices.com) that plays MP3s (and other supported digital music files) you have on your computer through your stereo system. "SlimServer" is the server software that runs on whatever computer you have handy, that you talk to through a web interface, and streams the music wirelessly to the Squeezebox hardware. SlimServer can also report its current status, including the current song being played, in XML format, which turns out to be useful.
Tema 100% sin tablas, toda la estructura y los estilos estan definidos mediante CSS.
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Date: 2004-03-11 14:37
Size: 281 bytes
Version: 1.0
MD5: 91f8d300f717239f8e9d5b4627e24f79
Submitter: jow
Web: http://php.fzine.cz
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 651 POP
This is a Unicode (UTF-8) character set. It allows Geeklog user to switch between English and other Unicode (UTF-8) translations, especially Asian language translations, without losing the readability of the existing stories.
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Date: 2004-02-22 14:54
Size: 16.54 KB
Version: 0.02
MD5: 710661511bc04f7de17bb1bd242ae542
Submitter: druid
Web: http://www.spph.org/
Rating: 8.00(1)
Popularity: 653 POP