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Date: 2010-05-10 14:00
Size: 44.96 KB
Version: 1.7.0
MD5: 00f0e2466e1d1fc2eef76a136dfaa9be
Submitter: ::Ben
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 729   POP
French France utf-8 Translation for :
* core,
* calendar,
* links,
* polls,
* staticpages,
* xmlsitemap
Tags: -
Date: 2004-04-29 11:02
Size: 6.15 KB
Version: 1.0
MD5: e976d7931f90d0ca05899d775e695466
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 728   POP
This is polish translation for File Mgmt Plugin 1.2
Just copy lang.php from tar.gz archive over your original language file located in /path/to/geeklog/plugins/filemgmt/ directory.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2005-04-04 16:19
Size: 2.43 KB
MD5: 98192235ced1d224efc752a52ef82d00
Submitter: Arcanum
Web: www.aranami.net
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 728   POP
This is the Japanese language file for the Visitor Stats plugin.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
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Date: 2006-10-26 02:03
Size: 2.16 KB
Version: 1.0
MD5: c65121cc23ff8f9faa5a2e133904e166
Submitter: jmucchiello
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 726   POP
With just 30-35 lines of code changed in the heart of geeklog, you can support readonly and writeonly story topics without any database structure changes. The zip file contains instruction for making changes to a 1.4.0 system that will enable this functionality. Changes are made to 5 existing core files. Not for the inexperienced or faint of heart hack installer as the changes involve lib-security.php and alter core security functions.
Category: Add-ons
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Date: 2004-12-01 01:56
Size: 296.89 KB
Version: 0.0.1
MD5: b0049d96878203d4a49d263b4dd2edc7
Rating: 5.00(1)
Popularity: 724   POP
glrevive is a modification of the geeklog batch user import functionality with the following exceptions:

more ...

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Date: 2006-10-15 13:35
Size: 144.75 KB
Version: 1.01
MD5: 6690c2d3a013e57509b325014021275e
Submitter: ivy
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 721   POP
This is the Japanese language files for Geeklog 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 and plugins filemgmt, forum, links, polls, staticpages.
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Date: 2004-02-26 14:46
Size: 15.72 KB
Version: 1.3.9rc1
MD5: 43b9302431811c8831b4a0a3cded8fe6
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 719   POP
This is a Unicode (UTF-8) character set. It allows Geeklog user to switch between German and other Unicode (UTF-8) translations, especially Asian language translations, without losing the readability of the existing stories.
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Date: 2005-12-08 14:54
Size: 56.24 KB
MD5: 05a28f8b6140637012790ca440b7b3c8
Submitter: lokki
Web: -
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 718   POP
Ukrainian language translation updated to work with GL 1.3.11sr2
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Date: 2009-02-25 03:08
Size: 51.44 KB
MD5: 1f84e6134665ac3dca14f2f6c5fe8d44
Submitter: ascepanovic
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 714   POP
Finally Serbian (latin) language translation is now completed. I believe that Geeklog users from Ex Yugoslavia will find it useful also…
Tags: -
Date: 2004-02-22 14:54
Size: 16.54 KB
Version: 0.02
MD5: 710661511bc04f7de17bb1bd242ae542
Submitter: druid
Rating: 8.00(1)
Popularity: 711   POP
Croatian translations for geeklog 1.3.9rc1 (updated, not completed).

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