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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2005-08-07 11:30
Size: 20.42 KB
Version: 1.3.0
MD5: 42ec341992de0e390608028ebba37629
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1311   POP
This plugin adds an Amazon search box to your site, using your Amazon associate IDs from the various amazon sites to produce links to products.

Why do this instead of using the search thing provided by Amazon? Because with this plugin, the results show up on your site, with your theme and the links it creates give you a premium of 2.5% when people purchase through them.

v1.3.0 [01 Aug 2005]
* [fix] Amazon recently made a change which made all searches but the .com site stop working properly
* [new] added amazon.co.jp
* [new] moved to a newer version of the Amazon API

Please read the readme file for more details.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2006-12-23 02:14
Size: 36.73 KB
Version: 1.0
MD5: 7271dff827c5134628c17a809a1aab23
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1026   POP
Archive plugin for Geeklog. Allows to create a flexible hierarchical structure of cards/items in a database. Allows linking to items from other plugins (staticpages, images, forums, stories, calendar events, etc.).
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2007-05-24 03:31
Size: 68.19 KB
Version: 1.2
MD5: 4a8fa7625caf9b132eb0d2ec065ae2cf
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1178   POP
Archive plugin version 1.2 for Geeklog. Allows you to create a flexible database linking together items from other plugins. Incorporates AJAX features.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2009-04-26 03:35
Size: 27.60 KB
Version: 1.0.3
MD5: 6141d98795660b12e39f159171c892c4
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 853   POP
Autosave plugin allows you to automatically save an article or a static page you are editing at a given interval.
This plugin is only for Geeklog-1.5.x and you have to enable JavaScript.
Fixed to save contents when using advanced editor.
Fixed to properly save the timestamp of auto-saving.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2007-07-09 01:57
Size: 15.36 KB
Version: 1.01
MD5: ca879d60bd0e8c23e74bc7a2e798a8cf
Submitter: jmucchiello
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1221   POP
Minor update. Fixes the edit bug. See here for details about the autotags plugin.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2008-09-26 09:56
Size: 28.33 KB
Version: 1.02
MD5: 60edb42286f4073bf8c8bef81bbd3e0d
Submitter: Laugh
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 3218   POP
Minor update. Now works with Geeklog 1.5.0 and up.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2011-06-13 09:20
Size: 25.39 KB
Version: 1.1.0
MD5: ac2b7c31dc56eae07230d2a1032e1141
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1908   POP
Allows Admins to create autotags from the Geeklog admin interface.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2017-06-22 11:00
Size: 32.92 KB
Version: 1.1.1
MD5: 091818c0205dc14c6ed889c5fb1d2c6b
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1564   POP
The Autotags plugin allows you to create autotags from the Geeklog admin interface. The minimum Geeklog version required is now v2.1.3.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2018-06-07 09:00
Size: 32.69 KB
Version: 1.1.2
MD5: d530e05726dc11e2f35c7423d12cb292
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1417   POP
The Autotags plugin allows you to create autotags from the Geeklog admin interface. The minimum Geeklog version required is v2.1.3 (supports v2.2.0).

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2020-04-18 09:34
Size: 34.36 KB
Version: 1.1.3
MD5: e87233969b98e011f8883e9022441852
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 976   POP
The Autotags plugin allows you to create autotags from the Geeklog admin interface.

Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.2.1sr1 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
- [Info] Requires Geeklog v2.2.1sr1
- [Improvement] Supports PHP v7.3
- [Improvement] Success message on save of autotag.
- [Feature] Replace with PHP autotags supports extended functionality of PLG_replaceTags (autotag will know calling plugin and id of item that the autotag is embedded)
- [Feature] If autotag supports PHP it will be parsed for errors on save (for PHP v7.0.0+ only). If autotag is used that has PHP parse errors it will try to error gracefully
- [Bug] Fixed undeclared PHP variable errors
- [Bug] Fixed SQL error on save when an invalid Autotag ID happens

For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2022-10-10 10:15
Size: 34.77 KB
Version: 1.1.4
MD5: a54e8b01eb39eb87972e0eb34dfc9420
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 389   POP
The Autotags plugin allows you to create autotags from the Geeklog admin interface.

Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.2.1sr1 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v8.1)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
[Improvement] Code tweaks
[Bug] Fixed saving of Autotag in Editor can result in problems if contain PHP code

For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2007-01-05 09:51
Size: 37.64 KB
Version: 1.2.4-1
MD5: f204649bb0deb5e75407493d13d7d85f
Rating: 8.50(2)
Popularity: 2670   POP
Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2012-12-22 04:34
Size: 167.79 KB
Version: 2.0.49
MD5: 6edff2ed6d53396e6b23e997d8c4d233
Rating: 9.00(2)
Popularity: 2203   POP
The latest version of Michael Hampton's Bad Behavior, packaged as a Geeklog plugin (requires Geeklog 1.4.1 or later).

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
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Date: 2014-12-20 17:36
Size: 185.15 KB
Version: 2.2.16
MD5: 1a3bab383c37700c9d4805da5d7c1d6e
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1277   POP
Updated Geeklog wrapper around the Bad-Behavior plugin to use Bad-Behavior 2.2.16. Use at your own risk.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2007-07-11 17:10
Size: 22.68 KB
Version: 1.0.3
MD5: d96d006244eb296900eabe7a7309642c
Submitter: Laugh
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1716   POP
Another small update to the ban plugin needed. It now will work with registered globals off.
Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2015-11-21 14:47
Size: 1.80 MB
Version: 2.0.0
MD5: 17c722d11dd130d0e53fabdac139f2e6
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 6664   POP
The Ban plugin allows you to ban people and bots from your website. The minimum Geeklog version required is now v2.1.1.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2017-03-30 10:54
Size: 1.42 MB
Version: 2.0.1
MD5: 5728339a897891e697c9d1bd7591af0a
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1455   POP
The Ban plugin allows you to ban people and bots from your website. The minimum Geeklog version required is now v2.1.1.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2018-06-07 11:52
Size: 1.84 MB
Version: 2.0.2
MD5: eb24469eb34b4a948aeadcfedde63157
Rating: 8.00(1)
Popularity: 1633   POP
The Ban plugin allows you to ban people and bots from your website. The minimum Geeklog version required is v2.1.1 (includes v2.2.0).

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2022-11-14 16:09
Size: 1.85 MB
Version: 2.0.5
MD5: 24d7a6c13dc551df2907c8509bd8ca80
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 675   POP
The Ban plugin allows you to ban people and bots from your website. You can ban a bot/visitor by IP, Referer, User Agent or Script Name. Exact match and case insensitive regular expressions can be used to give you great flexibility.

The ban plugin also includes an API that can be used by other plugins to integrate the ban functionality. Currently the Geeklog Comment Admin, the GUS plugin version 1.7.3 or higher, and the Forum Plugin v2.9.1 or higher support this.

The ban plugin can also ban IPs based on Geeklog's Error and Speed Limits.

Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.2.1 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v8.1)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
- Added support for banning IPs based on Geeklog v2.2.2 Error Limits
- Speed improvements. Ban status now stored as session variable
- Fixed to work with PHP v8.1
- Fix retrieving host info from GUS plugin
- Fixed Ban plugin calculated incorrect dates when download SFS database
- Fix for time zones

For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:

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Category: Add-ons arrow Plugins
Tags: -
Date: 2009-04-09 15:51
Size: 245.26 KB
Version: 1.0.0
MD5: 3fbe7223a0452ab5efa0ddd198d47df8
Submitter: ivy
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 977   POP
This plugin manage Banner link.
Autotags Support: [banner:] [randombanner:] [bannercategory:]
Auther: hiroron

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