Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 09 2024 @ 12:21 pm EST
File Listing: 191 files
This plugin provides you and/or your users with the ability to add smilies to your site and to use them in any site content that allows autotags. The file comes with a few smilies and tiny flags to get you started--do with them as you please.
The SNL (Spam Number of Links) module is based on Dirks SLV module for Spam-X. This module checks the number of links a post has and discards it based on the maximum links allowed. To install, copy the 3 files in the zip too the spam-x directory under the plugins directory. Currently it is set to allow only one link per post, to change this open the file SNLbase.class.php and change the number on line 64 to the required number of links.