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Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2018-01-09 15:59
Size: 110.89 KB
Version: alpha
MD5: cf3dffa2157f2985731ab8c74c87cd17
Submitter: masodo
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 910   POP
Get only the latest post from your favorite blogs. Display in side block or static page.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2015-01-01 21:10
Size: 372.51 KB
Version: 0.3.beta
MD5: ea5bdf69c0f8df6d812eb1a94f7da06e
Submitter: remy
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1103   POP
Finished roadmap 2014. Added screenshots and extra example scripts. Fixed some ambiguous use, added validation and optimizations. See read.md for details.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2014-11-29 12:14
Size: 106.07 KB
Version: 0.2.beta
MD5: 2c08af814b341097020aa81aadf84fa4
Submitter: remy
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1040   POP
Added resource files and a screenshot.
added fields and legend to improve visual experience.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2014-11-27 16:21
Size: 56.70 KB
Version: 0.1.beta
MD5: 61e649dd9db1e01985d26585e98520f4
Submitter: remy
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1006   POP
This addition will make your life as a theme developer or plugin coder more relaxed. The principle relies on using wireframes.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2010-08-25 07:42
Size: 270.66 KB
Version: 1.0.0
MD5: 7ffb740bcfb72d4fb85066413ace8ee1
Submitter: hiroron
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1104   POP
This is an OAuth hack for Geeklog using APIs provided by Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Geeklog's user account is created by login with OAuth. See README.txt for further details.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2010-06-03 09:03
Size: 1.30 KB
Version: 1.0
MD5: cb6cb9718e8c429d330904234b3b2727
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 760   POP
This is a simple hack to add asocial networking link for your site and for each article on your website.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2010-06-03 09:02
Size: 6.79 KB
Version: 0.1
MD5: 3b53d06e10c677b63dd7d0d3f32550ff
Submitter: justrage
Web: www.justrage.com
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1052   POP
Using geeklog static pages you will create a simple contact form that accepts a persons email address, subject and message. It utilizes recaptcha and a hidden input field to help reduce spam . It includes some javascript validation for required fields and sanatizes form fields.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2009-10-28 18:47
Size: 145.50 KB
Version: 0.5
MD5: 0643fe3d7d95c908aa2513c50d2d9cf6
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 761   POP
Another rendition of the GL 1.5 migration assistant. This one has a few features like find/replace. It allows you to edit any config value that is text-based.

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Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2008-08-28 01:04
Size: 1.63 MB
Version: 1.4
MD5: 4bebc3466c7abffd53bc90a0e46a8d1f
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 692   POP
This is a quick hack I added to spamX to filter out submissions that don't have English words in the title. It takes about 6 meg for the files to install, I didn't check how big the wordlist is once loaded into the database, but just delete the install script & the wordlist files once it's done.
Make sure you read the README file, this is a HACK not a plugin.
In addition to the wordlists, you will need to edit the spamX config.php & functions.inc files as well as lib-custom.php
This dropped my forum spam from 50+/day to 3 in the last 2 days, but YMMV.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2008-08-25 08:53
Size: 11.60 KB
Version: 1.0
MD5: 18a3481c8bc25b224437bb5daa00d126
Submitter: mthomas
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 657   POP
Provides support for load balanced sites and syndication feeds.

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